Spidey has been at the hero game almost as long as the fantastic four. He is a pro by this point. (even when bendis wrote him like a child in avengers) He has been on more hero teams then captain America, teamed up with almost every hero, helped reform many bad guys who later formed the outlaws, beat both hulk and firelord on his own and outsmarted thanos leading to his death! Thanos didn't see Spider-Man worth his time and it was spidey who grabbed the gem freeing warlock that lead to thanos getting killed. Spidey did what the avengers and captain marvel and thing couldn't in that battle. Beat thanos! This may be why thanos went after spidey in that infinity gauntlet side story.

Spidey has had comics printed in the marvel universe also but to say spidey is a nobody you have to ignore all his team up and crossover stories. Spidey has been in cosmic battles and even space adventures. He is a pro by this point.