Quote Originally Posted by Tycon View Post
Y’all only see what y’all want to see.

First two issues were Kate-centric but also gave Emma a big role in helping take down Shaw from picking the final seat.

Third issue featured no Kate, it was a Sebastian & Shinobi-focused issue.

Fourth issue has Storm defeat Paragon and rescue the Krakoan children. Then, Bishop and Kate both uncover the mystery of the missing human.

Fifth issue begins with Iceman refreezing the Arctic. Then after the Hellfire meeting, it’s mostly a Storm and Bishop issue and even ends with them taking down soldiers while depowered.

So please tell me how Kate is doing everything in this book.
If it doesn't fit their narrative it doesn't exist. Remember that.

Kate and Emma are the focal characters of this book an Their roles as Red Queen and White Queen it makes sense. But the spotlight hasn't ONLY been on Kate. We know that Bishop will have a sub plot as Kate's right hand, we know that Storm joined the Marauders in order to protect Kate from Emma which seems like it leads to a confrontation down the line, Iceman and Christian Frost have been hinted at having something bubbling under the surface. And Pyro is...well Pyro.