Quote Originally Posted by LoganAlpha30X33 View Post
I just hope that when he shows up he's doing something meaningful and isn't just relegated to the back row in terms of importance and such...Crimson Dawn was a good mini, giving up a piece of his soul to free Betsy at the end and shortening his life for her if memory serves...
I don't think that Warren giving up part of his soul is relevant anymore, seeing as how mutants can be resurrected with their souls intact.

I still think that Warren will have to appear in a new unrevealed DoX tittle to get any meaningful panel time. I just don't see where he fits with any of the current book rosters, unless Archangel is put back in X-Force. Just my opinion, and I could be wrong.
Children of the Atom looks to be about the teen sidekicks, with Storm as leader. That doesn't seam to leave much panel time for Archangel. At least not according to what we have seen of the details of what the comic will be about so far.