With the critical and financial success of Joker, I'm sure Sony is taking another look at the Spider-Man IPs to see if they can do something similar, a standalone project focusing on a villain's story without Spider-Man.

Is there any character they could use?

This is a bit different from Morbius and Venom, which are meant to launch their own franchises and could tie into the Spider-Man films.

One issue is getting a character with enough of a following who can work in their own project. Joker was the main villain in 2008's most popular movie, so he works in a way Sandman doesn't.

The Sony hacks revealed talks about a Kraven project, and while you could do a movie about a crazed hunter, he is largely unknown to filmgoers.

You could do a monster movie about the Lizard, but The Amazing Spider-Man wasn't that successful.

The Osborns have the highest profile (aside from Venom) but they don't really work without Spider-Man.

One potential character might be the Hobgoblin. There could be a film about a businessman who discovers the lost technology of Norman Osborn, perhaps in the world of the Raimi films.