
I am glad that Conner is back, BUT I really HATE the new look and since 5G will happen I think he will need (or also get) a new Codename and a new Look...

1.) For Codename I would like if he uses Black Zero (like his evil Counterpart) or Flamebird (its Kryptonian and since Dick of the Batfamily uses Nightwing he could use Flamebird).

2.) Outfit: I really dont like the actual look of Conner..
He is to skinny (I prefer the muscular Johns Look), I hate his beard and I am also not a fan of the actual costume..

In Johns TT he was wearing the black Shirt with the red S and Robin also said that he chose Red/Black because they were his colors.
I like the idea that Conner uses the black Shirt with red S as basis for a new Costume.

I was always a fan of Dicks Costume and a fan of the Batman of the Future (Animated Series) Costume...
They are kind of simple, but cool...

So I would like if he uses a similar Costume to them: Black Costume like Nightwing, but with Red S and red applications...Leather Jacket and Pilot Glasses Sunglasses.