I been reading them and well you had Todd Dezago with great art by the late Mike Wieringo. JMD 2nd Spec stint with Luke Ross(back then he had a McFarland approach of doing Spidey poses), , all great stuff. and Tom Defalco with Steve Skorce/Bennet art. Howard Mackie Adjectiveless was obviously the weakest of the 4 but yeah Marvel had a good thing going before the reboot came which I dont get. were the sales that weak that marvel wanted do to do the reboot i heard nothing but good things on the Sensational and Spec side of things. there were strong story elements that still kept going like Flash Thompson fight with alcoholism in JMD stories, you have Stern coming back to do Hobgoblin for a miniseries and 1 final arc in Spec before the the Gathering. I just think it was a waste that reboot happened and made it, I mean i heard editorial control made a mess of things in the X-titles at the time like the Seagle Uncanny and Kelly Adjectiveless x-men. so it was that case in spiderman too?