Yeah simple question but one at the heart of the whole "regular guy" or "normal" point of view surrounding Superman. There's been some debate around whether or not Supes will one day just hang it all up and say "My job here is done" regardless of what state the world/universe is in and he'll go off to live as regular man Clark Kent. The pertinent word here is job with "regular guy" proponents seeing retiring as as show of Superman having strictly been a job for Clark Kent and after he's put in his 25 or so years he'll quit and go live the life he always wanted to as a regular Joe who happens to be able to fly.

Obviously this isn't my particular viewpoint. I tend to view Superman as a passion for Clark and less of a job although being Superman does require that he balance a lot of different jobs. I also don't like how the modern world has kind of twisted the concept of dedication to the hero life into something angsty and self centered with Batman. A Superman who's putting work in for decades, centuries, however long you think his life span will be not because of personal angst but because the job needs doing and he gets a kick out of it would be a good counterbalance imo.

Note I'm not really talking about whether he calls himself Superman for his entire life but rather whether he'll stay entrenched in the lifestyle.