I find it annoying to how DC views the many versions of male Robins and how each of them have a title to themselves, but where is that for Batgirl or any female Robin ?

Seriously DC should definitely make a mini series which restores the Batgirl mantel and Cass and Steph’s place within the Batman family.

That and the movie of BOP and how it makes Cass not Cassandra Cain like from the comics. I’ve heard of difference from the films and comics, but that’s a step too far. Especially when you learn that the actress playing Cass has knowledge of what Cassandra Cain is supposed to be via comic book reading.

As fans of Batgirl and her true overall history: Do you think that DC should at least make an effort to restore things with what they used to be ?

Also I want to see Cassandra and Stephanie mourn Alfred too in their own way.