Quote Originally Posted by titanfan View Post
Their approach to problems, the makeup of their "crew". Slight differences in morality (Willingness to kill/torture/etc)

Both would stop a mugger from mugging someone on the street, but the cases they elect to take could be significantly different.

Left Slant: Evil corporation illegally polluting the environment for profit, trying to silence leaker who can expose information.

Right Slant: Eco-terrorists trying to stop oil pipeline from being built and giving energy to badly needed communities.
Another one might be that the Amazon rain forest is being destroyed which is environmentally bad for the planet and indigenous peoples are losing their way of life BUT the reason it is happening is NOT because some people want to destroy the rain forest for fun and profit. It's because it takes thousands of square miles to support that kind of hunter/ gatherer existence. By turning a lot of that into farmland, it can support many, many times more people who are literally starving and need that far greater production of food. So this would again be a superhero who takes the conservative side not for profit but takes what liberals would argue is an anti-environment stance but it's a pro people not starving stance.

I can think of similar stances. Joaquin Phoenix just gave a speech about animals being used as food by humans and even I as a liberal was thinking, "Oh Jeezus, what a flake". Or Sabrina where people are evil because they go deer hunting. I'm sorry but there are liberal stances that I think are a joke and a conservative superhero could live there. There are stances that, while they are considered conservative, you'll get a lot of liberals to agree with. He could be against welfare as a way of life for too many people or whining about every little thing where people think they have to right to be not offended in the sense that nobody should be able to express an opinion they disagree with. As someone said, 70 years ago, 18 year olds were storming the beach at Normandy. Today, some universities set aside counciling time for students who may need therapy because they had to hear an opinion they don't like.

I'm just saying that there is room for opinions that would be considered conservative and room for a conservative hero.