For those who haven't read this collection "Spider-Man: Life Story" tell us the story of Spider-Man (and by extention, the whole Marvel Universe) in real time. I found it very interesting, especially by the irony that, by the ages of the characters, my parents could have the same age than Peter and Mary Jane, and I have the same age than Peter and MJ's kids (Claire and Ben).

Each issue showed a lot of stories taken from the different arcs of each Spider-Man's decade, kinda combined between themselves. I truly wanted to see more of it. Some "historic events" were changed, however. For example, Venom's symbiote bonded with Kraven instead of Eddie Brock, Eddie was nowhere to be seen and that bugged me. How did that affected the story of the other symbiotes, like Carnage? I truly want to know that.

Also, I believe the story could continue. I mean, the last issue is in 2019, and Peter Parker dies at 72 years old. However, there are some ways for 2019 to be a "reset button" for not just Spider-Man, but the whole "old generation" to still be alive.
+ For Spider-Man and his supporting cast, we have the whole "Clone Conspiracy", with Peter and all the died characters being brough back to life because of a twisted clone of Peter. (In this incarnation, it could be Kaine).
+ For the rest of Marvel's old Generation, we have Dr Doom. The last issue clearly represents the Secret Wars of 2015, with Doom conquering the world instead of Battleworld. What happened with the other heroes? According to Peter, they were all dead or disappeared. In Battleworld, Doom trapped all the heroes who ever defied him in a place where they would be eternally fighting and killing each other, to punish them. Doom could have done something similar, but in a different way. Do you remember his "Liddleville"? A more advanced version of this invention could work as a place where the missing heroes are trapped; and Doom made them young again so they could keep fighting and killing each other forever. That is, until Peter manages to destroy all Doom's tech in the planet and frees all the rejuvenated heroes.

What do you think? Don't you want to see more of this story?