Hi people! I have a mistery to be solved and I know you can help me: I need to know the identity of a character I suppose comes from a comic (possibly xmen)
This guy I only remember having an action figure of his, it was one of the coolest toys I ever had HE LOOKED REALLY BAD ASS! Unfortunately I dont remember any name or boxing, I only recall his look:
It looked like a villain to me (but who knows). The head was like Deadpool but with a ponytail, a muscular torso, one of his arms was a cannon or gun of some sort, and both of his legs were really cool looking robotic-like (very similar to the "ED-209"´s the big mean robot enemy of Robocop). If I remember correctly his clothes were red and his leg metal grey.
Any of these features rings a bell? let me know! THANKS IN ADVANCE!