Quote Originally Posted by FluffyCyclopsRLZ View Post
I dunno, if I ran around slashing folks' throats for the lulz, murdering babies to save my kin because I'm such a good parent, strapping other beings to a bed for efffin' months so I could harvest hormones out of them or whatever, I wouldn't throw a whiny-ass "I'm the victim, stop mistreating me, I have feeelings too!" tantrum because some jerk wasn't in any hurry to reunite me with my waifu/husbando. Just sayin'.

Honestly, it will never not be hilarious how folks were totally down for Moira/Chuck/Mags running a Bond Villain scheme on a global level, but hurting Mystique's feelings (of all people) is, like, pure evil, basically. What's next? Sebastian Shaw getting sympathy votes once he starts whining about how much he misses his swinging pal Harry Leland?
For me it is more about the hypocrisy coming from Charles/Magneto/Moira...a fresh start for all mutants, everyone who allies with us if forgiven, we will bring back all our lost loved ones, kill no human.....oh BTW Mystique...you don't get your wife back and go kill humans for us.