Quote Originally Posted by Hush View Post
It does reminds me of the beginning of Wolverine #98 especially with Logan awakening in the middle of a carnage where several of his friends are dead and believing he's the one who did it:

[img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/S/cmx-images-prod/Item/310012/Previews/81bcdd57e1686fd40d6aade90091a26d._SX1280_QL80_TTD_ .jpg[img]

[img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/S/cmx-images-prod/Item/310012/Previews/6c941a1f9b47d8a3c361568b2e839632._SX1280_QL80_TTD_ .jpg[img]

[img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/S/cmx-images-prod/Item/310012/Previews/27d116520ff1e36a9c2a692400237726._SX1280_QL80_TTD_ .jpg[img]

Yes, it is like this.
LOL! This went very quickly from Logan beeing happy to disaster! Wasn't there also a scene in in the beginning of Tieri's The Best There Is? A little bit different in arrangement and only one page and one panal, tho.
The art is stunning. Can't wait.