This miniseries comes to a conclusion and while it doesn't offer the kind of happy ending we all were hoping for, it does offer a semi-satisfying conclusion.

Scott Lobdell offers the final installment where he explores the relationship between Wally and his kids and what he's willing to sacrifice for them. The characterization works really well here since their dynamic is nicely portrayed just like the escalation concerning the ultimate price Wally has to pay to save pretty much everyone and put everything back in order.

This leads to the final moments where we realize what the author's intentions were all about and I'm glad to see these characters back in a proper way despite that Wally's new status quo doesn't allow them to be properly together.

Brett Booth remains in art duties and his work was pretty solid here, especially during the cosmic segments.

Overall, this was a pretty good way to redeem Wally after the assassination he suffered during Heroes in Crisis and actually gives some hope about his future around the DCU. Good work team.