Quote Originally Posted by Kisinith View Post
X-Men Black- Emma Frost, Rosenberg's Uncanny, the X-Men working with Frost again wasn't a development of Hickman it came beforehand. If the story ruining a character can be crap than the resolution can be too. Further outside of baseless character hate I can't for the life of me understand why anyone in their right mind would want to revisit some of the crap stories the MU has produced over the years. Does anyone really want to deal with yet more Avengers #200, schism, sins past, Civil War, AvX, IvX, Last Will of Xavier or any other crap story that shits all over characters?
X-men black they parted ways due her betrayal. Rosenberg they weren't working together.

The problem is that there wasn't a resolution at all. Everyone is fine and Emma was being a diplomat like nothing ever happened

maybe people like those stories?