Quote Originally Posted by Knives View Post
I even forgive Susan even though she exaggerated any mother would lose her mind when the childrens disappear.

Well they had to learn the hard way after they were almost extinct and hunted by killer machines created by humans .
with the assist of the his mutant son. Why everyone wants to forget that Sentinels were created with the help of mutants. Why everyone wants to forget that weapon X was directed by a mutant or that most mutants in ancient times like Selene were monsters that lived as gods between humans and the only reason there was a mutant outbreak was because many experiments were created to spread the mutant gene in the population.
the concepcion that this started with humans hating mutants for no reason is wrong , this started with the externals terrorizing the humanity hundreds of years ago, that is what humanity learnt for the first mutants the fear to the unknow. So thank Selene and Apocalyse for most bad things in the history of humanity