You have characters like The Hulk, Superman or even Goku from Dragonball. These characters literally have unlimited power. They are so OP that physical combat has become somewhat of an afterthought. Traditionally their are three ways to challenge a fictional protagonist physically, mentally, philosophically. Characters like these have literally grown to a strength level where physical combat is probably the least interesting thing you could do with them at this point. In other words, they have kind of taken physical threats off the table when it comes to interesting stories. Is this a good thing? You look at how popular characters like Spider-Man and Batman are. Though Batman is written way more powerfully then he should be? I say he’s still much easier to write. Hyper powerful characters like Thor, Silver Surfer, and yes even the Hulk, tend to eb and flow as far as interesting stories go. While Spider-Man and Batman seem to have an ironclad lock on the most popular superheroes title.