Oh, boy.

The issue begins with Melody Guthrie waking up in the Akademos Habitat. She enters the kitchen to have her morning coffee. Husk, Sam, and Skin are waiting for her with concerned faces. They inform Melody that word has come from the Quiet Council. Today is THE CRUCIBLE(dun dun dun!).

We cut to Logan and Scott enjoying their morning coffee on the moon habitat. There’s some sexually charged innuendo. Scott invites Logan to join him and Jean on a field trip to Chandilore. The conversation settles on The Crucible. Scott is conflicted. He doesn’t know if they’re doing the right thing. Logan flippantly suggests he talk to a priest. (Keep in mind we don’t actually know what The Crucible is yet)

We cut to Scott strolling through the jungle. He stumbles upon Douglas, Krakoa, and Warlock(!!) having a conversation. Scott is flabbergasted, does a double take, but Warlock is gone (what are you up to, Dougie?).

Scott continues on until he finds Kurt perched on a cliff overlooking the landscape. This begins a philosophical conversation between Scott and Kurt that lasts the rest of the issue. Basically, Kurt is reeling from Krakoa. He’s filled with existential questions:

“It’s true, we have laws and the foundation of some kind of government. But what was it built on? Hope? Anger? Inevitability? Arrogance? What’s at the real center of it?”

“Consider my faith. I can’t help but wonder what happens to our souls when we die?” Do they linger waiting for eternity, or do they return to their mortal vessel when that vessel is reborn, as you and I recently were?”

“Am I really me? Are you really you?”

“Think about it. Mortality. If one cannot die — if one is immortal — then what lure is eternity?”
Kurt and Scott make their way through the forests. They walk past Exodus teaching mutant children about M-Day and The Crucible. We learn that The Crucible is a sort of ritual for re-powering the victims of Wanda Maximoff(The Pretender). Apparently, de-powered mutants have to die so they can be resurrected by The Five with their powers intact.

The pair arrive at a colosseum where all of Krakoa is gathered. In the middle is an arena with Apocalypse and Melody Guthrie standing, each wielding a sword. Apocalypse speaks of the folly of humanity and the glory of mutants. He questions Melody’s identity. Apocalypse says that Krakoa will not accept de-powered mutants simply killing themselves to regain their powers. Their will, strength, character, and loyalty to Krakoa must be tested in combat. They must fight and die to prove their worth. Only then can they be reborn as mutant. This is The Crucible.

Melody puts up a good fight, proves her strength to Apocalypse, and is swiftly put down. We cut to her resurrection. She is welcomed back to life by Storm, Charles, and Apocalypse. She expresses her gratitude and is embraced by the crowd gathered around her. She rises into the air with a radiant smile. Mutant once again.

End issue.