Yeaaaaah, I think I'm starting to see the typical Tom Taylor problems here.

And I don't mean the decompressed writing (which this issue surprisingly doesn't have since it has enough decent content), what I mean that Taylor has decided once again to make his new characters take over the title and be more important than the old cast. Fans of the New 52 Earth 2 series may notice a pattern here since this is pretty much what happened once that Taylor took over that book and is not like the new members are uninteresting, the problem is that they receive more development and depth than the Squad's staples, particularly Deadshot who might as well be any other character since there's very little of his own personality here.

About the plot, there's appropriate progression along with a few revelations concerning the new direction of the team and its leaders but to be honest, the previously mentioned aspects bother me a bit.

Bruno Redondo's artwork is pretty good, I always liked his style and here he especially shines thanks to the vibrant tone and strong storytelling.

This is not bad, is just a bit underwhelming and especially worrying considering what happened before.