*hope this is in the right section as a general, non brand comic question*

So after buying a few Bundles of comics over the years I've wound up with a fair few digital comics in some series that I've enjoyed, but which aren't my "top" few that I perfectly remember that I own. As a result I've wound up coming across them in browsing and ended up buying them in error a second time.

Far as I can tell Comixology (which is where I get most of my digital comics) doesn't have a feature that lets you tick an "I own this" box for stuff you already own, but didn't purchase from them. As a result I'm wondering if there's any program or site out there which neatly archives, orders and displays an input collection of comics for easy quick referencing.

I can always write a notepad myself listing out all I own from each series, so its not so much the creation of the list, its simply making it easier and quicker to reference than a long list of names in a text document.

So is there anything out there? Something that you perhaps use to help you keep track of your own collection or some other method that I've not considered/thought of?