You're a typical John/Jane Doe when suddenly, you discover a shocking truth: you're a mutant! It all sounds nice until you realize how worthless your superpower is. You can literally put cold cream in your coffee without lowering it's temperature. Despite this incredibly terrible and ridiculously useless power, that cannot be used offensively or defensively, you still get your fair share of anti-mutants hatred: you loss your job, peoples can't help starring at you like the freaky mutie that you are (even though your power is really crappy), your dog walks away, and you break your phone's screen.

People wants you dead and you've noticed a odd bunch of people hanging more often around your house. They have their hoodies on and look real mean. Sometimes, they kick down your garbage can and leave rubbish everywhere!

With such misfortunes, what would you do? Where would you go? Reclaim your birthright and move to Krakoa? (even though you'd be useless and unable to fight, although you could maybe learn?) Move to another city and pray that no one will notice and hope you won't be attacked by sentinels?

Tl:dr - - > So basically, you're a terribly crappy mutant with no useful power whatsoever and people still hate you and want you harm. What do you do?