WARNING: Violence and disturbing themes will most likely be discussed.

For me its the French horror film Haute Tension/High Tension. Not only was it the most gory movie I've ever seen it has so many disturbing themes and scenarios and I have yet to see it again. The opening scene is especially gross and disturbing. Psychological horror at its best/worse? I got quite queasy as well. This isn't a thread really about horror masterpieces that disturbed you but ones that may have went too far and left you feeling a bit traumatized/disgusted, though classics/masterpieces can be included. With this I wasn't really disgusted (morally) but I was a bit traumatized on a psychological level and I've seen almost everything by this point.

I've heard A Serbian Filmis the most disgusting and disturbing film ever created but its also considered trash. I haven't seen it. Don't think I will unless I just want to see what the big deal is. Not in a hurry, though.