Quote Originally Posted by Midnighter
Is the Designer the villain you originally planned to use as the hidden master mind in Detective comics ? The one who brought Ras and Saint Dumas order together.
Quote Originally Posted by James Tynion IV
Oh dang, I should say yes and seem very cool, shouldn't I?

The real answer is that I wanted it to be the Future Tim Drake from A Lonely Place of Living. That he would have been cast back in time at the end of that story, and positioned himself as a master manipulator.

I have one doc that outlines the book to 1000, and we would have done interchanging arcs after 975 featuring a Batwoman-led X-Force style team, and a Red Robin led X-Factor style team... All building up to them needing to team up to face what that future Tim had built.

(This is also what Shiva whispered to Cass. She gave her coordinates and a date, and Cass would go and witness a meeting of the secret council and would be the first to see the mysterious figure who would ultimately prove to be future Tim)

None of that was ever more than a twinkle in my eye, though. Mixture of them wanting that future Tim for another story, and the company wanting Detective to revert to a solo Bat-Title. Alas!