Being stuck at home got me started on projects...

I'm making a Gotham City map based off the map from No Man's Land and also the colour scheme/style of my local street directory, but with additional information like North and West county (however Bristol doesn't have a map on any media).

I've made up a lot of Bristol's streets, but figured before I get settled with how I have it so far I'd have some people have a go at telling me how wrong I am.

Feel free to mention anywhere in the city I've also screwed up as well. It's directly taken from No Man's Land, but that was 1999, and the city's come a long way since.

gotham map.jpg

No building reference just yet until I'm happy with the streets.

Mainly my issue is with Bristol, and especially trying to figure out the positioning and ratio of Wayne vs Drake estates (or if I should even have Drake estates given the years since they moved away) vs Brentwood Academy which is apparently right there too.

Missing buildings that will require roads made for them: International Airport (north of west county), and Interstate/Gotham Light and Power (south of airport)