Quote Originally Posted by Rise View Post
Superman's problem isn't being boring, his problem is being outdated. His philosophy about Truth, Justice and the American way is a joke in today's era considering how "the American way" casued so much harm to many people in the world (my region which I live in suffered from the so called American way and its justice).

Luffy is a product of his time too. His type wouldn't be accepted or well liked with today's generation which is why you don't see much of his type anymore. The only thing Luffy has over Superman is being written by his original writer in consistent series with already established fanbase while the latter has a divided fandom due to the many different takes that existed of him through his history. It's why I say it's unfair to compare the two.
Truth and justice aren't outdated. That's laughable excuse . As for American way it was added later when superman became a brand. I don't particularly think its bad . He is entirely boring. His powers aren't presented in a good way. His fights lack choreography . He doesn't have the personality or the fire. He went from a strongman to a sun god who drinks sun juice. His portrayal seems to be either naive or atworst paternalistic.

What type is that? A swashbuckling hero. There has been a swashbuckling rootin tootin son of a gun since the western genre and pulp was a thing. Modern Batman is a swashbuckling hero. As for currently, demon slayer's tanjiro is a thing. They are a little more shy. That's it.

Luffy is still loved and the manga sells very much.