Quote Originally Posted by charliehustle415 View Post
Wait when was all of this retconned?
I think the general idea is that Morrison fudged the details a bit to fit his “ex-wife from hell in a fantastical divorce” idea for her; she was redefined as being a bit more obviously evil the entire time she was with Bruce, and she basically date raped him to conceive Damian in that story.

I kind of find it a little bit pointless, sense it mostly just removes some of the drama and tragedy that could be on the relationship if they’d genuinely been in love and if Talia’s darkening had happened over time.

My personal story that I’d want back is the Red Robin series; Tim’s history is vaguely back in existence, but I actually really liked that run. I know some people don’t like t, but I love it; I love the “is she an undercover cop?” twist on the Catwoman idea with Lynx and him, I really wanted to see Tim’s new HQ in the Monarch Theater, I liked Tam Fox there, and I enjoyed the conflict between his remaining genuine humility and his growing cynicism.