1. #31021
    Ultimate Member Mister Mets's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellion View Post
    This is exactly why I support federal or national standards for curriculum. When every state has the power to decide what and how it teaches, some states will proudly decide to be dumber than others.
    If there was a national curriculum, do you think we would have bothered with a mandate to say that the KKK is bad?

    I could see some conservatives gleefully mandate including a repudiation of the crimes of the KKK, and their affiliation with southern Democrats, in a national curriculum.

    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainEurope View Post
    Trump has been photographed with Putin many more times than Swalwell with that Chinese lady.
    It's not unusual for an American President to meet with the Russian President.

    Biden has also been photographed with Putin.

    Quote Originally Posted by CSTowle View Post
    On Trump and Russia, while there is a small possibility he's an active asset of Putin it seems doubtful. There's little doubt, however, that Putin/Russia/many other countries and entities would love to see a weakened US in general and a blowhard egomaniacal race-baiter like Trump is just what the doctor ordered. If they can push racial tensions, push conspiracies about government tyranny or Covid skepticism and break down trust in institutions and norms (already strained) perhaps it weakens us further. Best case scenario we devolve into another Civil War and break up into Balkanized regional powers with a fraction of the power and resources of a United States. Trump might have just been a godsend to the Russians and others who'd like to see us fall, but probably was oblivious to anything outside his personal gain.
    A further complicating factor is that it serves the interests of Putin and Russia to leak stuff about Trump that riles the left, because that helps divide and weaken the US.

    Quote Originally Posted by worstblogever View Post
    If it was just a case of "whataboutism" I wouldn't have pointed out that the "story" on Swalwell was leaked by Trump, or that when it leaked, in most reports, including YOUR OWN, you omitted that when he was informed by the FBI that a woman he was photographed with once was a spy, he aided their investigation into her. I didn't completely ignore the smear you through out.

    But you're doubling down on it anyway. Typical. And still trying to brush away all the far more shocking examples of your own party doing worse. Not one. MULTIPLE. Even more typical.
    It is irrelevant if Trump or his allies leaked the story (and I don't believe that was confirmed.) What matters is whether it's true.

    If it's a smear, what have I said that's untrue? Can you quote anything untrue that I'm doubling down on?

    I explicitly said that Swalwell cut off ties with the woman the moment the FBI informed him of their counterintelligence probe. I included a link to an article in which he mentioned that he provided information to the FBI about her.

    If this is just a woman he was photographed with once (as you suggest multiple times), he wouldn't be able to provide any useful information. But as noted in the Axios piece, witnesses say she "interacted with Swalwell at multiple events over the course of several years."

    The reason I mentioned this was that you thought Swalwell was a credible contender for Speaker of the House, and I noted a likely problem he would face. You may be responding to things I didn't say.
    Thomas Mets

  2. #31022


    Not even entertaining that anymore, because go figure, you're just going to regurgitate the same smear again, and again.

    We've also been talking about how there's a member of Congress who wants to cause outrage, and she's better off not being spoken about.

    Okay. But let's just say that Matt Gaetz has been campaigning with that person, and they've managed to only raise $60,000 on their "America First" tour, and it's cost $290,000. They're almost in the hole a quarter millions dollars, indicating their strategies to fundraise off of outrage aren't working.
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  3. #31023
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    Quote Originally Posted by worstblogever View Post
    Not even entertaining that anymore, because go figure, you're just going to regurgitate the same smear again, and again.

    We've also been talking about how there's a member of Congress who wants to cause outrage, and she's better off not being spoken about.

    Okay. But let's just say that Matt Gaetz has been campaigning with that person, and they've managed to only raise $60,000 on their "America First" tour, and it's cost $290,000. They're almost in the hole a quarter millions dollars, indicating their strategies to fundraise off of outrage aren't working.
    Ah yes, the Trump method of business doesn't seem to work in politics. Who knew?

  4. #31024
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tami View Post
    ……..Something tells me I’m gonna be pissed if I ask whether these same GOP members took the vaccine themselves.

  5. #31025
    Ultimate Member Mister Mets's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by worstblogever View Post
    Not even entertaining that anymore, because go figure, you're just going to regurgitate the same smear again, and again.

    We've also been talking about how there's a member of Congress who wants to cause outrage, and she's better off not being spoken about.

    Okay. But let's just say that Matt Gaetz has been campaigning with that person, and they've managed to only raise $60,000 on their "America First" tour, and it's cost $290,000. They're almost in the hole a quarter millions dollars, indicating their strategies to fundraise off of outrage aren't working.
    When it comes to Swalwell, you're saying things that are either misleading or untrue. Everything I wrote was true and in good faith.

    I posted about Gaetz's poor fundraising yesterday in a reply to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mister Mets View Post
    The fundraising is also not making money.

    Thomas Mets

  6. #31026


    On this date in 2014, "Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day" published our profile of former Missouri Congressman Todd Akin, who quite obviously is infamous for the time during a live interview, he decided to give his thoughts on abortion, and "legitimate rape". This might have something to do with the fact that Akin was long a supporter of Personhood legislation, as well. Anyway, we covered Akin's jacked-up ideology at length, and how he accidentally made everyone instantly aware of the GOP's "War on Women" with that sound bite.

    In 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, as well as in 2019, “Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day” profiled Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, delving into his entire history as a politician going all the way back to his days as a student at Marquette University (where he left school in 1990 to avoid disciplinary action for attempting to have his student body president campaign staff round up as many campus newspapers as they could to destroy them because they endorsed his opponent), to his run for the White House. Walker, as we noted, has a tendency to tell really terrible lies, like union workers surrounding his car and attempting to flip it over, or that his rapidly developing bald spot isn't actually male pattern baldness, but just a scar from a time he bumped his head on a table. In his time as Governor of Wisconsin, he gave huge tax breaks for the top income bracket, while cutting more money to teachers than any governor in the country (and any shortcomings in student performance, he blames on the teachers who are operating without real budgets). Walker has demonized union workers, wiped out government oversight offices, and has had repeated criminal investigations launched against his staff for illegal use of state resources to further their own partisan agenda. And that doesn't even begin to cover what a boob he looked like while campaigning for president in 2016. Gov. Walker was hell bent on winning Iowa, pandering to locals, and trying to establish himself as the frontrunner for the GOP early on, in the process, neglecting his own state. And that presidential run showed him to be, as some GOP pundits delicately put it, "Kind of a Dumbass". While visiting London, Walker denied the science behind evolution. He found himself in the midst of being considered a Birther for saying in two separate campaign stops that he "wasn't sure if President Obama is a Christian", and that he could not confirm that "Barack Obama loves America". He tried claiming he could stop ISIS because he "stopped 100,000 union protesters back home", changed his stance on immigration no less than four times (claiming this wasn't flip-flopping because he never had cast a vote on the issue), denied that a woman's medical history regarding abortions should remain between her and her doctor, tried pretending that mandatory intravaginal ultrasounds were "a cool thing", refused to answer when asked if he thought being gay was a choice or not, sued the federal government for the right to drug test welfare recipients, and promised to bomb Iran on the first day of his presidency. To name just a few gaffes. As Gov. Walker began to see his lead in Iowa polls faltering, he thought he could energize his base the same way Donald Trump was, by attacking immigrants. As such, Walker started wavering on birthright citizenship, eventually saying he supported a repeal of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution and then tried to one-up Trump by saying he wouldn't stop at a border wall along the U.S./Mexico border, that he would build one along the U.S. Canada border, as well. By the end of September 2016, Walker’s campaign had already folded its tents, and he returned to Wisconsin with record low approval ratings, after only 71 days on the campaign trail. Gov. Walker would then work to sign legislation to dissolve the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, a non-partisan panel of judges that guarantees government ethics, and fairness in elections out of spite because the GAB had previously investigated a myriad of wrongdoing by Walker. In March 2016 he nominated Rebecca Bradley to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, which proved controversial since she once wrote opinion editorials at Marquette University (where Walker went to school) where she repeatedly called gay people "queers", and said that they deserved no sympathy for dying from AIDS. In one such column, Bradley wrote that it was “their misdirected compassion for the degenerates who basically commit suicide through their behavior.” Walker's nomination, once confirmed, got Bradley a 10 year term on the Court. And, while Walker may not have been on the ballot when the 2016 elections rolled around, he still got a few surprises in September and October of 2016. Like how The Guardian got a hold of the content of a lot of the John Doe Investigation into Walker’s staff using government e-mail for partisan purposes… in those e-mails, Walker staffers discuss their strategy to survive the recall effort against the governor… His main fundraiser, Kate Doner, laid out their plan as, ”Corporations. Go heavy after them to give. Take Koch’s money. Get on a plane to Vegas and sit down with Sheldon Adelson. Ask for $1m now.” Feeling like the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision was a bad idea yet? Well, guess what? That wasn’t all that The Guardian uncovered in all those e-mails. They also found written proof that while Scott Walker might try justifying all his voter suppression techniques as a way of “curtailing voter fraud”, his own people don’t believe it exists, know they’re claiming it’s “widespread” without proof, and know they’re just using it as an excuse to subvert our democracy so the outcome is they win. Meanwhile, criticism grew against Walker, particularly in more liberal parts of his state, Walker has tried to stifle dissent in the way one would if they didn’t care that the First Amendment was in existence. He was eager to see the Wisconsin state legislature pass AB 299, the supposed “Campus Free Speech Act” that did precisely the opposite, allowing for the possibility of students heckling political speeches on campus at the University of Wisconsin to suspended or even expelled from school. Walker loves to hear his own voice, though. He spoke at the 2016 Republican National Convention after pretending he wasn’t going for months upon months, and threw red meat to the crowd by his assessment that Hillary Clinton “belongs in prison”, but, y’know, without actually having a crime to throw her in for other than being a Democrat and a lady running for president. And that’s amazing, because while he feels Hillary should be behind bars, he’s got no problem with all the treasonous actions done by the Trump campaign by colluding with Russia. He’s attempted to downplay Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections, claiming that their hacking the Democratic National Committee and into voter registration systems in 39 states is no worse than the Scottish Prime Minister giving an endorsement of Hillary Clinton. No s*** HE SAID THAT. Scott Walker is ridiculous enough to have argued that Donald Trump should actually post on Twitter MORE. Think about that… the number of times that Trump has even posted things that could end up being self-incriminating in obstruction of justice or collusion hearings going forward, and Scott Walker thinks it’s just GREAT, keep it comin’, Donnie! Scott Walker's abysmal 2016 presidential run left him vulnerable for a potential third term in 2018. He faced the humiliating political defeat of trying to prevent special elections in Wisconsin that year, after panicking after several upsets in traditionally Republican areas, he got on Twitter to panic in January, posting a “WAKE UP CALL” to his fellow members of the GOP. He then tried to drag his feet on holding special elections to replace elected officials until November, and was successfully sued by Wisconsin Democrats, with the judge ordering the state to carry them out. And lo and behold, Democrats did pull another upset on that ballot, to Walker’s chagrin. Walker’s approval ratings dropped into the 30s in polls (among the reasons not repairing the state's roads), suspending a program to pick up dead deer from the highways, instead leaving them to rot), and his attempt at running for president left him with a meager campaign war chest. What is certain, though, is Scott Walker, for being a man who talks so much about being part of the party of responsibility, accepts none for his own terrible leadership. Instead, he blamed his low approval ratings on "bad headlines" from the media, “unfairly” turning people against him. It also likely didn’tt help that he was just caught hanging around with Russian spy Maria Butina and members of the NRA, and tried using the “don’t know her” excuse when, ta da, there are photos. And ALL of that… is why in 2018, the Blue Wave came to Wisconsin, and still swept over all the voter suppression tactics of the Walker regime to take him out of office, with Democrat Tony Evers sending him packing by a margin of just under 30,000 votes. His career seems, mercifully, over.
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  7. #31027


    On this date one year ago, “Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day” first profiled Lauren Boebert, who we began discussing just after she won the GOP Primary for the seat for U.S. House Representatives from Colorado’s Congressional District after upsetting Congressman Scott Tipton.

    She… is a lot.

    Boebert, prior to her first Congressional run gained notoriety as the owner of Shooter’s Grill, which amounts to being a Hooters if the women wear a lot more denim and a gun holstered at their hip. Let’s look past this novel concept to realize that Boebert’s libertarian/conservative point of view (she’s opposed to any form of income tax increase, on any bracket, but supports Donald Trump’s stupid idea for a border wall along the U.S./Mexico border) applies to how she’d like to run her restaurant, as Shooter’s Grill has already had warnings from the health department for allowing its customers to get sick eating there (she attacked the local media for reporting on it, incidentally, and she even managed to have a food-poisoning outbreak after hosting a fundraiser at the place featuring some apparently infectious, bloody-diarrhea causing pork sliders) and then going “next level” and refusing to obey orders to close her dining area during the Covid-19 pandemic, until she was forced to shut down by local authorities, who suspended her food license.

    Of course, she paints a picture in this where she’s the heroine standing up for “freedom” when she seems to just use it to see that as many people are afflicted with disease as possible. If you’re already noticing a pattern of “weird” around Boebert, what with the gun-themed restaurant that makes everyone sick, hang on to your hats…

    She was also a Qanon conspiracy theory supporter, going on record that “she hopes its real, which is an odd way to regard the absolutely deranged belief that there Democrats who oppose Donald Trump running subterranean Satanic cults harvesting fear hormones from children they molest and kill, and their opposition to Trump is because he’s going to expose and arrest them all. That’s a weird thing to “hope” is true. After she won the primary, the media decided to ask Boebert about her support for the Qanon conspiracy theory, expecting that she might back off now that she had to come to the center for the general election in November… but she reaffirmed it saying she believed “parts” of the theory and that “Qanon means a lot of things to a lot of different people.

    And Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District, what with a +6 Republican lean in the Cook Partisan Index in 2020, managed to overlook that Lauren Boebert was bats*** crazy and elected her with 51% of the vote.

    She wasted no time in becoming one of the most notorious seditionists in the GQP. Prior to the attack on the Capitol, and prior to being sworn into office, Lauren Boebert was getting posts flagged on social media for perpetrating “The Big Lie” that somehow, against all reason, the 2020 election was “stolen” from Donald Trump, with posts like this:

    Only days after Boebert was sworn in, she was allegedly offering tours to the sorts of insurrectionists who would turn up in the Capitol on 1/6 to attempt to violently storm the building, seemingly let them scout the attack out on a reconnaissance trip. Other members of Congress thought it odd, just because, y’know, we were still in the darkest phase yet of the Covid-19 pandemic and bringing in people for a tourist’s visit isn’t exactly responsible. Now, we’ll note, Boebert denies the allegation, but given the amount of gaslighting from the RepubliQan Party regarding January 6th where they want to convince the public it was carried out by “Antifa in disguise” and their complete opposition to the attack even being investigated, forgive us if we don’t take the words spewing out of her conspiracy-theory-spouting mouth as an adequate reason to have it looked into.

    We’re not done talking about Lauren Boebert and January 6th, though. It’s not just that she’s accused of offering logistical support to right-wing extremists prior to the attack… on the day of the attack, her behavior continued to be ludicrous, and it appeared like she was in cahoots with those storming the building. She got on Twitter the morning of the attack to declare, “Today is 1776, an obvious call to revolution, and during the attack itself, after the Sergeant at Arms gave explicit instructions to members of Congress to not make social media posts during a lockdown, she managed to WHOOPS point out where members of Congress were being sequestered by Capitol Police and then additionally let it be known that the security detail were escorting Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi away from the rest.

    If she’s not willfully malicious in her actions that day, she’s one of the the dumbest mother***ers to be elected in awhile. Frankly, we’re pretty sure it’s both.
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  8. #31028


    We’re going to just pull back here to look at a timeline of her voting record, dedicated to this Republican insurgency, and the slew of times she’s already made an ass of herself publicly in her first seven months in office. Saddle up, this is gonna be a ride:

    Our final note here is from just a couple weeks ago. We’ve covered all the ways in which Lauren Boebert has done things that are suspicious and seem like she was providing support and comfort to the domestic terrorists who tried to storm the Capitol to attempt overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election that are mostly ceremonial, and execute Mike Pence. Do you know what would have been smart to not do? To not be seen in public with one of the people who admits they were one of the insurrectionists that day.

    Alas, Lauren Boebert is a f***ing dunce.

    On June 29th, 2021, Boebert was one of seven members of Congress who took a trip to the U.S./Mexico border to pretend there’s a massive migrant invasion underway at all hours and decided to hang out on that trip with Anthony Aguero, who we’ve profiled before as an ex-felon, domestic abuser, and Qanon conspiracy theorist who unsuccessfully ran for Congress in 2020, and oh yeah, that mother***er was one of the seditious ***holes an the Capitol grounds on 1/6 who is somehow still roaming free to buddy up with the Congresswoman who allegedly was offering logistical support to his cause. This isn't a one-off. This isn't a rumor, as there's a selfie that Boebert and Aguero took together.

    We don’t know how Lauren Boebert stays in office in 2022. Hell, we’re not even sure if she’s gonna stay out of jail.
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  9. #31029
    Old school comic book fan WestPhillyPunisher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragged Maw View Post
    ……..Something tells me I’m gonna be pissed if I ask whether these same GOP members took the vaccine themselves.
    More than likely they probably have, just like Trump, just like Hamhocks, Fucker, Ignoramus and the rest of the Faux News on air stooges.
    Avatar: Here's to the late, great Steve Dillon. Best. Punisher. Artist. EVER!

  10. #31030
    Once And Future BAMF Hellion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mister Mets View Post
    If there was a national curriculum, do you think we would have bothered with a mandate to say that the KKK is bad?

    I could see some conservatives gleefully mandate including a repudiation of the crimes of the KKK, and their affiliation with southern Democrats, in a national curriculum
    To answer your question, I suppose it would depend on the administration in charge. It's unlikely the Trump White House would have ever used 'KKK' and 'bad' in the same sentence. But if I'm remembering the Politics of Public Education seminar I sat in several years ago, ideological differences over how history is taught is the main reason why we can't have a national standard for everything across the board.
    MAGNETO was right,TONY was right, VARYS was right.

    Proud member of House Ravenclaw and loyal bannerman to House Baratheon

    "I am an optimist even though I am told everything I do is negative and cynical" --Armando Iannucci

  11. #31031


    January 6th hearings are scheduled to start on Tuesday...

    GQP panic is truly about to start.
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  12. #31032
    Once And Future BAMF Hellion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by worstblogever View Post
    January 6th hearings are scheduled to start on Tuesday...

    GQP panic is truly about to start.
    Will there be panic though? The GQP politicians and the GQP media have already made up their minds to paint this select committee as a partisan witch hunt and they'll just write off any and all Republicans Pelosi allows to sit on the committee as RINOs and heretics of the Church of Trump. I have no faith that any decisive action or justice will be made in response to what will likely be a cascade of damning revelations.

    Most of the Republican Party and their supporters started downplaying 1/6 or insisting the rioters were "Antifa" before the human feces had even been scraped off the chamber floors. I just don't see what our side can even do once the truth finally gets out.
    MAGNETO was right,TONY was right, VARYS was right.

    Proud member of House Ravenclaw and loyal bannerman to House Baratheon

    "I am an optimist even though I am told everything I do is negative and cynical" --Armando Iannucci

  13. #31033
    Invincible Member numberthirty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellion View Post
    Will there be panic though? The GQP politicians and the GQP media have already made up their minds to paint this select committee as a partisan witch hunt and they'll just write off any and all Republicans Pelosi allows to sit on the committee as RINOs and heretics of the Church of Trump. I have no faith that any decisive action or justice will be made in response to what will likely be a cascade of damning revelations.

    Most of the Republican Party and their supporters started downplaying 1/6 or insisting the rioters were "Antifa" before the human feces had even been scraped off the chamber floors. I just don't see what our side can even do once the truth finally gets out.
    No kidding.

    Each one of the big two's outcomes here is already a foregone conclusion.

  14. #31034
    Ultimate Member Malvolio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by worstblogever View Post
    January 6th hearings are scheduled to start on Tuesday...

    GQP panic is truly about to start.
    The panic will mostly be the usual faux outrage from the usual suspects on FOX News and Right Wing radio.
    Watching television is not an activity.

  15. #31035
    Ultimate Member babyblob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellion View Post
    Will there be panic though? The GQP politicians and the GQP media have already made up their minds to paint this select committee as a partisan witch hunt and they'll just write off any and all Republicans Pelosi allows to sit on the committee as RINOs and heretics of the Church of Trump. I have no faith that any decisive action or justice will be made in response to what will likely be a cascade of damning revelations.

    Most of the Republican Party and their supporters started downplaying 1/6 or insisting the rioters were "Antifa" before the human feces had even been scraped off the chamber floors. I just don't see what our side can even do once the truth finally gets out.
    They blocked a bipartisan commission so Pelosi would have to do it alone. Then the only GOP member that is on there is Liz who the Qop hate anyway that way they can say well look at the Dems and traitors pushing the big lie. And the sheep will believe it and rally round the burning cross.
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