1. #31246
    Ultimate Member Malvolio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by worstblogever View Post

    Because in my link:
    Thanks, WBE for clarifying what I was talking about (and an assist to ChadH). Cheney was smart about it by having a few underlings take the blame for what he did. Today's group of conservative douchebags are just a lot more obvious about it.
    Watching television is not an activity.

  2. #31247
    Ultimate Member Gray Lensman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by worstblogever View Post

    Because in my link:
    Ah, yes. The quote that earned her the derisive nickname "Kellyanne of Green Goebbels".
    Dark does not mean deep.

  3. #31248
    Extraordinary Member PaulBullion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malvolio View Post
    That is an interesting question. If their insurance company drops them because of this, I would expect the restaurant owner to cry out that he's being oppressed by the big bad insurance company.

    But I do wonder exactly what he would accept as "proof" that one is not vaccinated. A note from the customer's mother?
    If the cutlery doesn't stick to you, you're welcome.
    "How does the Green Goblin have anything to do with Herpes?" - The Dying Detective

    Hillary was right!

  4. #31249
    Extraordinary Member PaulBullion's Avatar
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    Rep. Madison Cawthorn tried to board plane with gun; could face fine, status loss

    But it's ok because he has white privilege, so he won't be charged with a crime.

    The General Assembly gave control to a new Greater Asheville Regional Airport Authority, which makes it owns rules. Those say "it shall be unlawful for any person, except those persons to the extent authorized by federal law and/or state law, to carry or transport any firearm or weapon on the airport property except when such firearm or weapon is properly encased for shipment."

    Breaking that law is considered a criminal misdemeanor, according to airport ordinances. It was not clear why the eight people, including Cawthorn, had not been charged. Kinsey did not respond the afternoon of July 30 to questions about the rules.
    "How does the Green Goblin have anything to do with Herpes?" - The Dying Detective

    Hillary was right!

  5. #31250


    So the Oklahoma GOP is just likening any vaccine mandate to the treatment the Jews received from Germans during the Holocaust, yellow star of David and all.

    This would be the same state that currently is running out of pediatric ICU beds to treat children with Covid-19.

    But they don't care if those kids die. Republicans do not apply "Pro-Life" to children who have evacuated a womb.
    X-Books Forum Mutant Tracker/FAQ- Updated every Tuesday.

  6. #31251


    Quote Originally Posted by Malvolio View Post
    Thanks, WBE for clarifying what I was talking about (and an assist to ChadH). Cheney was smart about it by having a few underlings take the blame for what he did. Today's group of conservative douchebags are just a lot more obvious about it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gray Lensman View Post
    Ah, yes. The quote that earned her the derisive nickname "Kellyanne of Green Goebbels".
    Thanks, guys. Felt important to challenge the revisionist history from the forum's representative on the right, as if left alone, we may have seen an attempt to convince us that it was truly the left or the media's fault that Plame's cover was blown, or that she somehow leaked it herself to make them look bad in an "inside job".
    X-Books Forum Mutant Tracker/FAQ- Updated every Tuesday.

  7. #31252


    Back in 2014, "Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day" ran a profile of Rich Iott, a 2010 Tea Party Congressional candidate from Ohio, who had the fun hobby of participating in World War II reenactments, always for whatever reason, dressing up as an officer of the Nazi SS in them, which is the sort of extra-curricular activity that won’t win you any elections.

    In 2015, we published our original "Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day" profile of Tom Smith, the owner of a coal mine who ran for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania in 2012, who was not undone by his stances on same sex marriage, climate change, or privatizing Social Security, as he was his flub during the "War on Women". That being, he was asked if he agreed with Todd Akin about "legitimate rape", and he compared it to a family member who had chosen life in a similar circumstance. That circumstance that was as bad as rape? Having a child out of wedlock. And that... really finished off Tom Smith's chances.

    In both 2016, and in 2017, “Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day” presented profiles of the former Nevada Congressman Joe Heck, who came to Washington, D.C. back in the 2010 Tea Party Wave as the U.S. House Representative for Nevada’s 3rd Congressional District, and whose career went sideways after he made an ill-advised attempt at winning a U.S. Senate seat and lost to Catherine Cortez-Masto in the 2016 elections. Now, in spite of the fact that the skunk-haired Heck is a doctor who went to medical school for eight years, he has plenty of moments where you wonder how the hell he could survive in higher education that long. Perhaps the most glaring example of Joe Heck being clueless came in May of 2016, where he agreed with a crowd of constituents that a majority of Muslims wanted to pass Sharia Law in the United States, volunteering that it had already happened in Michigan (not just false, but easily proven false). Heck also managed to embarrass himself when trying to argue about why the attack on Benghazi justified an attempt on blocking the nomination of Susan Rice to be Secretary of State in an interview with CNN’s Soledad O’Brien back in November of 2012, when she pointed out that by his logic, Condolezza Rice was already proven to be a deliberate liar, and was approved to the position by the GOP, but Susan Rice, if she lied at all, would have done so unknowingly. Somehow, though, Joe Heck found Susan Rice to be clearly worse. Wouldn’t you know it, Joe Heck is also a climate change denier, who claims that “CO2 is a natural, biological process”, and that “We’ve Seen Changes In Our Climate Both Ways, And I Think Throughout The Future Millennia We Will Continue To See Climate Change That Goes Both Ways.” The retirees counting on Social Security checks in Nevada, were probably also dismayed that Joe Heck thinks “Social Security is a pyramid scheme” and would like to get rid of it. Heck’s voting record in Congress includes support for hardline anti-choice legislation across the board, including two attempts at defunding Planned Parenthood, votes against disaster relief for victims of Hurricane Sandy, a vote for the 2013 Government Shutdown, and virtually every attempt at repealing the Affordable Care Act. There’s also the matter of Rep. Heck’s son, Joey. Apparently, a parental intervention was needed back in June 2013 after people started to notice the younger Heck had a habit of posting racist, sexist, and homophobic slurs on Twitter, including Joey’s summary during the presidential debate on October 3rd, 2012, between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, where the teen said Romney “raped” Obama in the debate and made him his “slave” before later in the conversation saying the president had achievements “yeah like spear chucking and rock skipping. The sports they do in his home country…” Well, he seems like a good kid, huh? Heck apologized and assured the public he had NO IDEA where all his son’s attitudes came from, but it sure wasn’t anything HE taught him. Joe Heck had one moment of decency towards the end of his career, when he withdrew his support of Donald Trump in 2016 after the Access Hollywood tape emerged. Unfortunately, after he lost to Catherine Cortez-Masto in the Senate race, that only made the rest of Republicans blame his lost on not defending Trump, and dig in to defend any grotesque statements he made going forward. It’s a sad legacy from a terrible politician, really.

    On this date in 2018, “Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day” profiled the former State Treasurer of Ohio, Josh Mandel, who has managed to also be a two-time loser in attempts to defeat U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown for his seat in Washington, D.C. Mandel, as a state legislator, voted against a law to make cockfighting in Ohio a felony, and never gave a valid reason why. In August of 2012, Mandel embarrassed himself even further when he placed himself firmly in the category of climate change deniers, originally just whining about the mythical “war on coal”, and going as far as to say scientific research into climate change “is inconclusive and riddled with fraud.” His main strategy in trying to win office was to tell utterly outrageous lies and get blasted for it by fact-checkers. It would be one thing to say Sherrod Brown had voted for the Affordable Care Act, but that just wasn’t enough of a barb for Mandel, who decided to push the story to the fact that Brown was “the deciding vote”.And Mandel even got a “Pants on Fire” rating from Politifact when he tried claiming that somehow, Sherrod Brown was responsible for half a million jobs in Ohio being outsourced to China, which wasn’t even remotely true. So, yes, Josh Mandel lost. But don’t worry, he had the consolation prize of… a brand new car! Or… wait, he didn’t. Mandel got nailed for campaign finance fraud charge that he tried to keep a vehicle bought using campaign money, and actually tried saying that it was a positive, and proved he was a “fiscal conservative”. In 2014, Mandel won a second term as state treasurer, and was biding his time for six years to try for a bit of political revenge. Still looking like he was 39 going on 13, in 2017, he managed to hustle his way into a promotional ad with Ohio State Buckeyes football coach Urban Meyer, touting a plan to aid disabled Ohioans. Not a bad photo op if you can get it. Unless, of course, taxpayers find out that they’re the ones who paid $1.84 million to see Mandel hanging out with Meyer to promote the program, and ask where the hell most of the money really went. By mid 2017, it was official, Mandel was challenging Sen. Brown again. His 2018 efforts were somehow even worse than those he had six years prior. Because, in November of 2017, for whatever reason, after a report from the Anti-Defamation League, a proud Jewish organization dedicated to fighting back against bigotry and anti-Semitism spoke out against both Mike Cernovich and Jack Pobosiec for fomenting the “Pizzagate conspiracy” (the delusional myth that Hillary Clinton and other high-ranking Democrats were running a child sex ring out of the basement of a pizzeria that did not, in fact, even have a basement, let alone a child sex ring operating out of it)… for whatever stupid reason, Josh Mandel chose to post a defense of the Pizzagate masterminds on Twitter, and call the ADL a “partisan witchhunt group”. If that isn’t sad enough to see, it’s sadder than you think. Josh Mandel is the grandson of survivors of the Holocaust. And he chastised the ADL for holding White Nationalist conspiracy theorists accountable for their lies. And he also had the hypocrisy of defending individuals blatantly making up accusations of pedophilia by a political candidate while simultaneously also being unable to muster the courage to condemn Roy Moore when he was accused of doing the same thing by multiple women when they were teens decades prior (and not just right-wing loons making things up out of whole cloth). Early polling showed that Josh Mandel was likely to fare even worse in his November matchup with Sherrod Brown, between a Democratic Blue Wave and his latest rounds of stupidity. The loss was likely to be by double digits. A month before the candidate deadline to file for office, Mandel dropped out of the Senate race, to spend time with his wife while she was recovering from an unspecified health issue.She must have recovered, as he’s a 2022 candidate for U.S. Senate in Ohio, and is going harder in embracing MAGA White Nationalism than could be expected in the hopes of winning over Trump voters and the primary.
    X-Books Forum Mutant Tracker/FAQ- Updated every Tuesday.

  8. #31253


    On this date in 2019, “Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day” profiled Javier Manjarres, a 2018 candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives for Florida’s 22nd Congressional District. Let us say now that this guy has the political acumen of someone who climbs into a shark tank after rolling around in a vat of chum first. Manjarres is a Trump supporter and Colombian immigrant who even supports the construction of the stupid-ass border wall. In 2016, he was actually charged with ATTEMPTED MURDER after he attacked his sister’s boyfriend, punching him five times in the face as he went to exit his vehicle, and then reaching for his gun. As the boyfriend drove away, Manjarres fired three shots that struck the truck. Somehow… charges were dropped, and this guy thought, “Well, now I’m Congressional material!” Which is amazing that a guy who attempted to murder someone with a gun would run for office there. You see, Florida’s 22nd Congressional District is the home of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, and was not far removed from its student body being victimized by a mass shooting. When it occurred, the Congressman for that district, Democrat Ted Deutch immediately left the capitol, telling staffers “I’m going home.” He then comforted the survivors, and the families of the victims, and called again on smarter gun control laws in our country. Javier Manjarres wasted no time attacking Rep. Deutch, claiming that his statement, “I’m going home” was a lie, and claiming that Deutch didn’t actually live in his district. He then accused him of being a “shameful extremist” who was “exploiting victims of the shooting for political expediency and gain”. If you’re thinking that makes Manjarres an ***hole, you better strap in, because this actually gets worse. One of the victims at Parkland was Jaime Guttenberg, and her father, Fred, already had battled against the NRA and its spokeswoman, Dana Loesch, on Twitter. Only five months removed from Jaime’s death, Javier Manjarres managed to get into a Twitter war with Fred Guttenberg, one of his prospective constituents, and accused HIM of “exploiting his daughter’s death in the name of some political agenda”. Needless to say, that utter lack of humanity and the attempted murder were likely the reasons why Javier Manjarres failed to advance out of the GOP Primary for the seat to represent Florida’s 22nd Congressional District, only earning 34% of the vote in that race.

    On this date one year ago, “Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day” first profiled the U.S. House Representative from Alabama’s 6th Congressional District, Gary Palmer, who was first elected to office back in 2014, with a previous career of being the president of the Alabama Policy Institute, a conservative think tank. Palmer’s focus on being a social conservative for a quarter century straight was evident through his first term in office, as he was raging about the Supreme Court’s ruling on same sex marriage, throwing tantrums about transgendered Americans using the bathroom of their sexual orientation and not of their birth, and his sponsorship of a bill to defund Planned Parenthood based on outrage over the fraudulent video sponsored by the Center for Medical Progress. He actually had the nerve to complain that Planned Parenthood frequently donates to Democratic candidates, which surprise, this motherf***er takes money from Koch Industries and Trinity broadcasting network, just to name a few.

    What truly shows us that Palmer is a true extremist, was how back in October 2019, he was one of 41 Republicans willing to crash a classified hearing regarding Donald Trump and Ukraine that would lead to Trump’s impeachment, a meeting that he and his party actively chose not to participate in. Anyone willing to follow Matt Gaetz’s lead is huffing paint, frankly.

    As far as how he’s handled himself during the Covid-19 pandemic, Gary Palmer was calling for the economy to be opened as early as April 22nd, 2020 (i.e. WAY TOO SOON and part of the reason we’re still seeing Americans die in the thousands daily) and besides that, Palmer is stupid enough to actually argue against the House voting for rule changes to allow for proxy voting and remote work to preserve his life, and that of any other members of Congress in the “at risk” group.
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  9. #31254


    Palmer was gifted a fourth term in office, as no one bothered to register to run against him. His recent voting record… well, it’s pretty clear he’s an Alabama Republican:

    We will finish our update by noting how much Gary Palmer speaks out of both sides of his mouth, as on January 7th, 2021, without any investigation into it, he declared that he “held the president responsible” for the Capitol Attack carried out by Trump supporters, but specifically said he would not support impeaching Donald Trump over it. Which… is a complete disconnect as to how responsibility or accountability work.

    Much like the people of Alabama’s 6th should disconnect themselves from this brainless waste of a representative.
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  10. #31255
    Ultimate Member Mister Mets's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by worstblogever View Post
    Thanks, guys. Felt important to challenge the revisionist history from the forum's representative on the right, as if left alone, we may have seen an attempt to convince us that it was truly the left or the media's fault that Plame's cover was blown, or that she somehow leaked it herself to make them look bad in an "inside job".
    That's a lie.

    I said numerous times that Richard Armitage was the source. Here is one such post.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mister Mets View Post
    Cooper noted that Libby confirmed something he had heard from Karl Rove.


    Plame's role in the CIA was made public thanks to a leak from Richard Armitage, who was wary of the Iraq war. It was a mistake by a state department official, rather than an effort by war enthusiasts to punish Wilson.

    Cooper's Time article was published on July 17, several days after Novak's article was published. Cooper has asked if Libby was aware that Valerie Plame recommended her husband for a fact-finding trip to Africa. At the time, Libby disputed reporting that Dick Cheney sent Joe Wilson on the trip.

    My sources here have included a 2018 fact-check from the Washington Post, a New York Times interview with a reporter, and a later spotlight on the reporter from the Washingtonian, a monthly magazine with a decent reputation for factual reporting.

    I believe the people on the forum are informed enough to recognize that most state department officials during the first term of the Bush administration were not of the left.

    The idea that Dick Cheney was responsible for outing Valerie Plame's cover is a debunked conspiracy theory. How you respond can be a measure of how it is acceptable for right-wingers to respond when called out on debunked conspiracy theories.
    Thomas Mets

  11. #31256
    Invincible Jersey Ninja Tami's Avatar
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    A lawyer hoped history books would help her Capitol riot clients grow. She was called a traitor — and worse.

    In the very beginning, Shaner couldn’t imagine representing anyone involved in the riot. She said she cried all day as she watched the insurrection unfold, stunned by the scene playing out just miles from her home.

    When the broadcast networks showed D.C. police officer Daniel Hodges being smashed against a door, she felt she was being crushed, too.

    But as the demand for public counsel grew, the Criminal Justice Act panel attorney softened her original terms: She would only defend people who didn’t hurt a police officer.
    Shaner is charged with the defense of a handful of people who entered the Capitol on Jan. 6. Though she’s not assigning her clients homework, she is encouraging them to read about history and write what they’ve learned. She wants to help them learn about the past to better understand their place in it.
    Critics of her methods don’t think a civics lesson can change an insurrectionist — or they think she’s putting her clients through a reeducation program. She’s been called a traitor, Nazi, communist and worse.

    But before the flurry of court cases and charges and debates over repeating the past, Shaner was sitting at her neighbor’s house, transfixed as footage of the riot played over and over.

    It felt like 9/11, she said. She couldn’t look away.
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  12. #31257
    Ultimate Member Malvolio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by worstblogever View Post
    So the Oklahoma GOP is just likening any vaccine mandate to the treatment the Jews received from Germans during the Holocaust, yellow star of David and all.

    This would be the same state that currently is running out of pediatric ICU beds to treat children with Covid-19.

    But they don't care if those kids die. Republicans do not apply "Pro-Life" to children who have evacuated a womb.
    Here's what these people are missing. If you're unvaccinated, it's YOUR CHOICE! You can get vaccinated and then you'll be allowed to travel and enter government buildings unmasked. But Jews in Nazi Germany did not have that option. In fact, there were Jews who tried to convert to Christianity to avoid Nazi persecution. You know what the Nazis told them? They said, "You were born a Jew, you're going to the concentration camp. Period." So until these anti-vaxxers are being herded into camps, I don't want to hear their whining.
    Watching television is not an activity.

  13. #31258
    Invincible Jersey Ninja Tami's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malvolio View Post
    Here's what these people are missing. If you're unvaccinated, it's YOUR CHOICE! You can get vaccinated and then you'll be allowed to travel and enter government buildings unmasked. But Jews in Nazi Germany did not have that option. In fact, there were Jews who tried to convert to Christianity to avoid Nazi persecution. You know what the Nazis told them? They said, "You were born a Jew, you're going to the concentration camp. Period." So until these anti-vaxxers are being herded into camps, I don't want to hear their whining.

    You are absolutely right.

    Still, considering how many of them are dying from COVID, one way to possibly look at it is if the Antitvaxxers got together and built their very own Concentration Camp. Then they built they very own gas chambers. Then they willing entered the gas chambers while shouting how it was their freedom of choice to do so.

    Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.....without Life, there is no Pursuit of Happiness.
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  14. #31259
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    I find it ironic that the far right love to use Nazi Germany as an argument for freedom when most of the anti semitism comes from the far right.

  15. #31260
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooshoomanjoe View Post
    I find it ironic that the far right love to use Nazi Germany as an argument for freedom when most of the anti semitism comes from the far right.
    "Trump's in-law is Jewish, he can't be racist! He's the most anti-racist there is!"

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