1. #35506
    Ultimate Member Tendrin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Devil View Post
    Being anti-trans vs hurting her are 2 different things. Also, actions speak louder than thoughts.
    Oh brother.

  2. #35507
    Invincible Member numberthirty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Devil View Post
    How many times has she been hurt?
    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Devil View Post
    0, which is why you couldn't answer
    To be polite about it, there's really no way that you can actually know that.

    If anything, the odds are on the opposite.

  3. #35508
    Invincible Member numberthirty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Devil View Post
    Being anti-trans vs hurting her are 2 different things. Also, actions speak louder than thoughts.
    You are talking like their is no conceivable scenario where living in an anti-trans world actually hurts trans folks.

    Which is just beyond silly.

    As for that second part, anti-trans actions happen every single day in this world. Words/thoughts/whatever?

    It's just an afterthought.

  4. #35509


    On this date in 2014, “Fanatical Republican Extremist of the Day” we looked at former Tennessee state legislator Stacey Campfield, who once accused the Black caucus of the state legislature for being more racist for the KKK for not letting him join (because he's not African American) also wanted to pass a law requiring death certificates be printed for aborted fetuses, repeatedly tried to pass laws to make it illegal to even say "gay" let alone be gay, blamed the spread of AIDS on a gay flight attendant having sex with an African monkey (which is, of course, not just scientifically incorrect but insane), and compared Democrats touting the number of people signing up for the Affordable Care Act to "Nazis bragging about train rides for Jews". Yes, Campfield was that charming, and people noticed after a long enough stretch of his dumbassery to vote him out of office.

    On this date in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020, “Fanatical Republican Extremist of the Day" profiled the U.S. House Representative from California's 23rd Congressional District, Kevin McCarthy, who has served for it since 2007, and the man who was supposed to be the heir-apparent to become Speaker of the House after the resignation of John Boehner, until he botched his debut taking the spotlight by boasting about how he had done a great job as one of the Republicans who started the Benghazi hearings which had successfully driven down Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers… which gave away the game the GOP were playing for three years with the topic. It also didn’t help that McCarthy is one of the WORST public speakers in all of Congress (highlights here, courtesy of Rachel Maddow), or that he was also rumored to be having an affair with his colleague, Rep. Renee Ellmers. Even prior to his catastrophic attempt at becoming House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy has a long, long history of dumbassery within his legislative career, including co-sponsoring legislation in 2007 to stop the “War on Christmas” by passing a bill to recognize the importance of Christmas and Christianity, and signing onto a letter from the Family Research Council pledging that he agrees with them that gay candidates should be barred from public office, and he will never support any of them. That should come as little surprise, as McCarthy and his wife have been interviewed together and have talked openly about how they feel how people "don't want them to have their right to be a Christian" in America today. Throw in twice voting to defund Planned Parenthood, voting against equal pay for women consistently, and voting against raising the debt ceiling, and you really start to get a big picture of how a box of rocks would get a higher SAT score than Kevin McCarthy. In the build-up to the 2016 election, McCarthy was trying to appease the lunatics in his party by promising publicly to turn a prospective Hillary Clinton administration into a never-ending line of hearings about faux-scandals, and teasing that they might vote on impeachment.

    Kevin McCarthy was in the 2016 elections, coming from the most conservative district in California, and has proceeded to continue to shoot his mouth off and embarrass his party, including his admission that he was indifferent about a White Nationalist like Steve Bannon serving as an advisor to the President of the United States, or when audio of him laughing with Congressional colleagues about how he believes both Donald Trump (at the time of the recording, the GOP’s nominee for president), as well as a fellow California Congressman, Dana Rohrabacher, were both being paid by Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

    In May of 2017, McCarthy was egregiously lying and claiming the GOP’s “Trumpcare” plan to replace the ACA wouldn’t cause anyone to lose their Medicaid coverage, in spite of the assessment from the CBO and every medical organization that predicted it would do precisely that. In May of 2018, McCarthy also tried perpetuating the myth that social media platforms were “censoring” the opinions of conservatives, lashing out at Twitter for the fact that he couldn’t read a post from Fox News’ useful idiot Laura Ingraham. This, however, just let House Minority House Leader Nancy Pelosi come along to point out McCarthy was a tech-illiterate boob who didn’t know how to adjust his settings to see the post. And when an octogenarian is more tech savvy than you, you’re hopeless.

    Lord only knows what McCarthy will do if he starts echoing the Trump White House’s attacks on Elizabeth Warren for proving her Native American heritage when McCarthy’s own in-laws are in legal trouble for signing up for government loans for Native Americans while claiming 1/8 Cherokee heritage (that they apparently don’t have). Meanwhile, as the 2018 election approached and anti-semitic and racist conspiracy theories were spread by several Republican candidates in a Trumpian effort, who else followed up a mass shooting at a synagogue and a serial bomber’s attacks by continuing to demonize George Soros with the same ads? Kevin McCarthy.

    Kevin McCarthy remains an awful public speaker, and cracks under almost zero pressure in interviews. Further proof would be his interview with CNN’s Dana Bash from August of 2018 when he froze up when asked about how frequently the Trump White House were caught in lies and we got quite an encore in September of 2019 as Kevin McCarthy’s defense of Trump’s actions in trying to force Ukraine to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden and withhold military aid from them when he did was that Scott Pelley “added a word” into the transcript that changed the context and posited that it proved Trump’s innocence. (Note: Pelley didn’t add a word, he read what the Trump White House released verbatim, and even with an extra word… it did not make the situation any better.)

    After spending the better part a year slandering Robert Mueller and the FBI agents who are investigating the same links to Trump and Russia that Kevin McCarthy was caught on audio establishing as a real thing… William Barr came along to try and end the Mueller Investigation, and almost immediately, Trump started doing new crimes openly with Ukraine. McCarthy is stuck in a perpetual loop of being Trump’s b****, because he isn’t smart enough to realize this cycle of Trump being lawless and him having to defend the indefensible will never end.

    It’s almost fitting that Kevin McCarthy had to be the one to tell Donald Trump to stop attacking vote-by-mail because Republican’s reliable voters are older, and at-risk, so if in-person voting is supposedly “unsafe” or “unreliable”… the GOP would have its voters afraid of catching Covid-19 and staying home on election day to avoid catching it at the polls. Trump didn’t listen, because of course that f***ing moron didn’t, and McCarthy Trump’s chances just before the 2020 election and declared, “We’re screwed.”
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  5. #35510


    McCarthy has gone back to Washington to vote against the interests of his constituents, consistently:

    Now, we’re not about to forget that during the January 6th attack, Kevin McCarthy was known to have called Donald Trump to ask him to call his dogs off, and was chastised by Donnie Coup Coup Puffs not doing enough to help the mad king just declare himself ruler for life. We only know because Congresswoman Jamie Herrera-Beutler dropped word about it to the press.

    For a few days after the January 6th attack, Kevin McCarthy talked about having an investigation and holding those responsible accountable for what they’d done. Once he had time to regroup with members of his caucus to find out… UH OH, looks like they all helped plan this… well, he’s backpedaled by a few weeks later to saying “everyone” was responsible for the attack, in the classic domestic abuser’s mentality that their wife made them hit her.

    He met with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago and immediately was brought to heel like the cowering dog he is, failed to hold a raving madwoman like Marjorie Taylor-Greene in any way accountable for the multiple inflammatory and widely untrue comments she makes, but meanwhile held Liz Cheney accountable for trying to defend American democracy against Republicans’ attempts at placing Trump in power in an election he lost by seven million votes and fell in line with the biggest dunces in this party to try to refuse to wear masks in the House, going as far as trying to claim that there’s no science behind wearing them to prevent the spread of disease.

    He dug in to do everything he could to sabotage a non-partisan investigation, and lead House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to go ahead with having just a Special Committee investigation. He’s made threats to telecomm companies that they’ll be punished should they comply with the investigation by turning over phone records or in any way, potentially committing obstruction of justice in the process.

    When history looks back on this era of this country, and Republicans faile to have any principles or backbone are mentioned, Kevin McCarthy will be listed as a prime example of who those doormats were.
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  6. #35511
    Ultimate Member Malvolio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xheight View Post
    Hypocrisy comes in many forms, just look at our major political parties, but you are talking about causation. Just because people have made an industry of lazy psychologizing does not make correct.
    No I was not talking about causation. I was saying that while pastors are themselves molesting children, they would preach against adult homosexuals as if they were the cause of pedophilia. There is no evidence of homosexuality as the cause of pedophilia, but child molesting preachers would say that it is in order to deflect from their own sins.
    Watching television is not an activity.

  7. #35512


    On this date in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, as well as 2020, “Fanatical Republican Extremist of the Day posted profiles of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, a man the general public finds the most loathsome and revolting personality in American government, with a “Frank Burns” energy he exudes to truly cement himself in that title. Sen. Cruz is one of the most willfully repugnant heels in the GOP these days, who revels in causing outrage among those on the left, as if it’s a form of sustenance he needs to survive day to day. Ted Cruz (a.k.a. Rafael Cruz) has not only inherited an uncanny likeness to legendary “Red Scare” perpetrator Sen. Joe McCarthy, he has also adopted his tactics, making baseless claims to demonize anyone to the left of his far, far right agenda while sneering through media interviews where he plays the victim of a “vast liberal media conspiracy” when he’s called out for being a total douchebag (Cruz actually accused the moderator of the third GOP Primary debate of liberal bias in 2016 for asking him a question he didn't want to answer about the debt ceiling). It’s hard to pick any one single moment as Cruz’s potential lowest point in politics as among his most revolting moments included when he advocated for U.S. surveillance of Muslim communities to "patrol and secure" practitioners of Islam, when he sat down for an interview with the leader of the anti-gay hate group, the Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, and spread lies about how transgendered people are sexually assaulting women in public bathrooms, when he blamed Democrats for not caring enough about violence against the LGBTQ community after the shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, and called a witness to testify in Congress who immediately accused our two Muslim Congressmen, Keith Ellison and Andre Carson, of being secret members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Sen. Cruz was the driving force behind the 2013 Government Shutdown, and then was shocked when his GOP colleagues held him accountable for it when it quickly proved a failed endeavor.

    Opinion polls have shown that the more people who learn Ted Cruz exists, the more people polled also develop an unfavorable view of him, he decided to make a run for the White House in 2016, only avoiding being the biggest racist, sexist troll of the bunch because Donald Trump was in the mix. Ted Cruz once filibustered for 21 hours straight in Congress (which he ignorantly compared to the Bataan death march), and by “filibuster” I mean “talks ad nauseum while no other Congressional business was scheduled”. The highlight of that speech was perhaps when he misinterpreted the meaning behind the classic children’s book “Green Eggs and Ham” in regards to the Affordable Care Act, and interpreted to be about someone who was justifiably stubborn, rather than a tale of someone who should be open to new things. Without irony, he called himself a "modern day Galileo" for his brave stance in denying climate change AGAINST all science and reason, which is precisely the opposite of what Galileo did back during the Renaissance. Cruz single-handedly held up government aid to fix the lead-contaminated water system in Flint, Michigan for no particular reason except that he’s a d***.

    Cruz is such a callous prick that he actually stated joking about Vice President Joe Biden while he was grieving over the loss of his son, Beau, and was not speaking publicly, and when news broke that former President Jimmy Carter was battling brain cancer, Cruz took it as a cue to bash his one term in office at the Iowa State Fair to garner Republican Primary votes. He considers the Supreme Court's rulings on same sex marriage "the very definition of tyranny". He has tried proving his manliness by placing raw bacon on the barrel of a machine gun, firing it repeatedly so it would get hot, and then eat it. Ted Cruz is a man whose honest goal is to see he U.S. Senate filled with himself and 99 other people just like his hero, legendary Senator and unapologetic segregationalist Jesse Helms. He is, in short, the most unlikable bastard in Washington, D.C. at the moment, and we’re talking about a place that features alleged child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz. Even those from his own party has stalwarts like Sen. John McCain referred to him as a “whacko bird”, a term that Cruz takes as a compliment and former House Speaker John Boehner has called Ted Cruz "Lucifer in the Flesh", or alternatively, remarks that we would have to censor.

    Seriously, everyone hates Ted Cruz, down to his own family, as evidenced by the above animated gif of his daughter recoiling in horror at the thought of getting a kiss from him, and the unedited, raw footage of his family awkwardly trying to come up with nice things to say about him during his presidential campaign. Before his campaign was over, he was utterly humiliated in moments like when he named a vice-presidential candidate on his ticket to help him get more support with Republican women... Carly Fiorina, who proceeded to fall off the stage when she was introduced at one of his rallies.

    The oddest thing about the 2016 GOP Presidential Primary was that somehow, Donald Trump proved himself to be enough of a raging ***hole that we almost... ALMOST felt bad for Ted Cruz. If there was ever a metaphor for Cruz being overshadowed by Trump, it was probably when he was literally speaking out against the sentient rancid tangerine at the RNC, and Trump's plane buzzed his speech. I mean, when he got called "Lyin' Ted", we didn't blink, because Ted Cruz is a prolific liar. But when Trump started outright clowning him and called his wife Heidi ugly, or accused Sen. Cruz's father of being an accomplice in the assassination of JFK... Well, that was brutal. And it made it easy to understand why Ted Cruz went out on the third night of the Republican National Convention, and refused to endorse Trump.

    It was a stance most could agree with, not just because of Trump's utter ignorance and unfitness for office... but that he personally had besmirched Cruz's loved ones. Maybe for the first time ever, people nodded in approval for Ted Cruz for being a human being for once. Cruz promised he would not endorse Trump like a "servile puppy". But no, Ted Cruz isn't just a puppy, he's a little b**** of one, and came crawling back to endorse Donald Trump and actually phone bank for him about ten weeks later. He caved, and was broken. He has voted for every horrible member of Trump’s “Cabinet of Horrors” as well as the GOP’s Senate attempt to try and repeal the Affordable Care Act that would have left 23 million people without health insurance and gutted funding from Medicaid.

    Ted Cruz barely won re-election in 2018 against Beto O’Rourke, spending 2017 trying to stabilize his flagging polling numbers by continuing to pal around with members of Anti-Islamic hate groups, and show up and speak at their conferences. Well, that and he was trying to raise money by, y’know, sending out fundraising letters that lie and claim Planned Parenthood is using government dollars to perform abortions and that “millions of babies are being killed in the womb”. He has championed people with views or backgrounds as revolting as Brett Kavanaugh and Alex Jones, and tried to smarm-splain Star Wars to Mark friggin’ Hamill, of all people, to gain credibility, getting none.
    X-Books Forum Mutant Tracker/FAQ- Updated every Tuesday.

  8. #35513


    That doesn’t seem at all desperate, does it? What could be even more desperate? Well, how about seeing Ted Cruz have to seek out a campaign visit from Donald Trump, a man who still won’t take back accusing Cruz’s father of taking part in the assassination of JFK. We can’t help but laugh, but seriously, Ted Cruz can’t look cool no matter what he tries. He can’t even successfully post a Facebook Live video without f***ing it up. Beto O’Rourke ran circles around him in their 2018 debate, perhaps the saddest moment being when Sen. Cruz was stumped into silence for a full six seconds when asked to discuss something… anything that has nothing to do with politics that would give Texans an insight into who he is as a person. Cruz is pulled out of a town hall debate against him on CNN, effectively giving Beto a full hour of very relatable TV time to himself as a result. Beto O’Rourke was seriously living rent free in Ted Cruz’s head, as evidenced by the photo of Cruz looking pathetic and staring at a photo of O’Rourke while sitting on a plane and then how his attempts to use photos of O’Rourke in a band in college where he wore a dress backfired, as others posted pictures of Ted Cruz in college, dressed up as a mime. Cruz was heckled out of restaurants in Washington, D.C. after voting to put Brett Kavanaugh in the Supreme Court…

    In June of 2019, that he came to the defense of a conservative pundit who was under fire for harassing a journalist from Vox with homophobic slurs (interesting battle you picked there, Ted)… In September of 2019, he tried arguing against gun control by blaming violence in Chicago (and getting its new mayor to tell him to cram it in his cramhole), then he tried to take a smarmy cheap shot on Twitter at Beto O’Rourke after his answer on climate change in the Democratic Primary debate, only to get ratio’ed and have most of the public mock him for his cluelessness on climate. when word came that Brett Kavanaugh had ANOTHER accusation of sexual assault leveled against him, Cruz responded that people “need to let the anger go, as if it’s wrong to be ANGRY ABOUT A SERIAL SEXUAL PREDATOR ON THE SUPREME COURT. But never forget that Ted Cruz is a repugnant, holier-than-thou Evangelical who will try and distract from say, the impeachment of Donald Trump, to be utterly repugnant, and refer to a 7 year old boy receiving hormone blockers to undergo gender conversion therapy as “child abuse”.

    In the past year since we’ve updated our profile of Ted Cruz, we’ve watched him He's also tried lying and claiming he never met any of the Proud Boys (he met their leader, Enrique Tarrio, in 2019), screaming at CNN’s Chris Cuomo about mask mandates and shutting down businesses to save lives during the Covid-19 pandemic, asking reporters to investigate the nonexistent “Obamagate” conspiracy theory, trying to taunt Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on science only to be called out for denying the science of evolution, and of course, the moment when he did our Senate proud by trying to arrange a wrestling match between actor Ron Perlman and Jim Jordan (really),

    As 2020 approached, Cruz was spreading Russian propaganda about Hunter Biden in the hopes of getting Donald Trump re-elected, and then raging at reporters for calling him out on it. As the election approached and the narrative attacking Hunter Biden never helped Republicans gain traction, Cruz decided to, what else… pretend he never was pushing it, and blamed Donald Trump for its failure to stick.
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  9. #35514


    Just… just look at these headlines from the past year:

    Seriously, the Senate GOP has a full rogues gallery of motherf***ers, but Ted Cruz is somehow still perhaps the most loathsome guy in there (and that’s saying something). His most flattering quality really is that he resembles the Zodiac Killer. And this insufferable prick will be continuing to sabotage American politics and whining about somehow being the victim as long as his theocratic take on the country isn’t reality. He’ll keep that up until he’s no longer office, which right now will probably not be until he faces re-election in 2024.

    And we look forward to the election night when he’s rejected, as he should have been his whole life.
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  10. #35515
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xheight View Post
    Have I called anyone crazy here. Oh that's right minority opinions are always "crazy" and pathologizing views you don't agree with is a healthy way of dealing with them.
    It's disturbing that the right have villainized education.

  11. #35516
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooshoomanjoe View Post
    It's disturbing that the right have villainized education.
    And experts/expertise. And science. And vaccination. And and and. Anything that might pierce the narrative.

  12. #35517
    Ultimate Member babyblob's Avatar
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    So with today being election day around the US wjo wants to take the over under on how many claims of voter fraud we will hear by the morning?
    This Post Contains No Artificial Intelligence. It Contains No Human Intelligence Either.

  13. #35518
    Ultimate Member Tendrin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSTowle View Post
    And experts/expertise. And science. And vaccination. And and and. Anything that might pierce the narrative.
    People who can make you believe absurdities, etc. They're just gearing up for the latter half of the saying.

  14. #35519
    BANNED Xheight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malvolio View Post
    No I was not talking about causation. I was saying that while pastors are themselves molesting children, they would preach against adult homosexuals as if they were the cause of pedophilia. There is no evidence of homosexuality as the cause of pedophilia, but child molesting preachers would say that it is in order to deflect from their own sins.
    got it. Then I stand corrected as misunderstanding what you were saying. As you say it is a deflection.

  15. #35520
    BANNED Xheight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by babyblob View Post
    Having spent a lot of time in both prison and mental institutions you are talking out of your ass pal. They are nothing like schools.
    Admitting to such hardly qualifies you to commenting on their social function; in fact you probably the least given your recidivism.

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