1. #36151


    On this date, in 2014, in 2015, and in 2016, “Fanatical Republican Extremist of the Day” published profiles of former Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson, ], the former brain surgeon turned Seventh Day Adventist candidate for the GOP nomination for president who talks about turning around his life after a turbulent youth where he once tried to stab his best friend in the stomach, but through divine intervention, managed to only hit that friend’s belt and break his knife. As crazy as an origin story as that is, he announced he would be making a run for the Oval Office. Coming into the 2016 election, Carson had already denied the existence of evolution, compared homosexuality to beastiality and pedophilia, said “The Afforable Care Act is the worst thing that’s happened since slavery” or alternatively “worse than 9/11”, claimed progressives were trying to turn the United States into Nazi Germany, praised Cliven Bundy, claimed the legalization of marijuana was a plot to distract the populace from “what really happened in Benghazi”, that President Obama can wipe out ISIS “but just doesn’t want to”, and informed us that abortion is actually a form of human sacrifice.

    Carson has given “common sense solutions” to the immigration problem in the United States like punishing an undocumented immigrant is caught trying to commit voter fraud, see to it that they have their citizenship revoked. (You know, the citizenship they don’t have to begin with.) Carson had other terrible thoughts on immigration, like that President Obama's eulogy for the victims of the mass shooting in Charleston, South Carolina at the A.M.E. Emanuel church was designed to tear our country apart with “race wars” and “class wars”. At the annual NRA convention, told the audience that the southern border of the United States had been infiltrated by “radical extremist Islamic terrorists”, and that everyone should not call for better gun control, because mass shooters are easy to take out if you “all gang rush them at once”, or alternatively, as he once did in a Popeye’s chicken, just tell a potential robber to steal from a nearby cashier and to leave you be. Carson also talked about carrying out drone strikes against illegal immigrants, called for a third separate bathroom for transgendered citizens because “they make people uncomfortable”, and later claimed Planned Parenthood’s true purpose is to “eliminate black people”. Dr. Carson said that gay rights and pro-choice advocates practice “hate speech” and are”under the influence of Saul Alinsky”, and asserted that “being gay is a choice”. Carson criticizing people who protest against police brutality, saying that doing so “helps Al Qaeda and ISIS”, quoted the philosopher Thomas Hobbes that “Tyranny would never occur in American citizens have guns” (which is amazing because Hobbes died a full century before America was a nation with its own Constitution and 2nd Amendment), and that he also theorized that the Pyramids were not built as tombs for the Egyptian pharoahs, but instead were granaries for storing food. Carson was also caught lying about his involvement with the supplement company Mannatech, as well as his outrageous claim that he was offered a scholarship to Army’s West Point Academy. Oh, and he also claimed that a Muslim should never be elected President of the United States, so there’s that.

    Carson stayed in the headlines in 2016 by becoming a surrogate for Donald Trump. In that role, Ben Carson falsely claimed that like Donald Trump, he also saw news footage of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating the deaths of Americans on 9/11 that does not actually exist, kept pronouncing the Palestinian group Hamas as “hummus”, and began to discuss proposals to “crack down on liberal bias” on college campuses, lamented a supposed “ban on Christianity” in schools and began suggesting that the Department of Education should be able to secretly monitor classrooms and libraries to prevent any such patterns of thought from being encouraged. He also again commented on same sex marriage, giving his opinion that LGBTQ citizens shouldn’t be given “extra rights” because they are “abnormal”, and claimed that he’s “read enough conspiracy books” to know that public school lessons teaching tolerance towards the LGBTQ community and anti-discrimination laws were put in place in the United States by secret communists to damage the republic. Carson also said that Democrats “intentionally destroy black families to cultivate their votes”, and when interviewed by Steve Bannon on Breitbart News, stated his inflammatory belief that “Muslims who accept American values must be schizophrenic” because he doesn’t feel the two ideologies could coexist. Carson was allowed to speak on the second night of the 2016 Republican National Convention, where he, no lie, he lost the crowd by playing six degrees of separation by first linking Hillary Clinton to Saul Alinsky, and then to Lucifer himself, as he goes off of teleprompter in an insane, rambling, incoherent speech. A few weeks later, Dr. Carson decided to weigh in on Donald Trump’s attacks against a Gold Star family, the Khans, by saying that the family should “call a truce” by first apologizing to Donald Trump, so he could then apologize to them. He would later paying into the Alt-Right movement’s conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton’s health, Carson calls for an “elderly” Clinton to release her medical records, and while stumping for Donald Trump, Dr. Carson compares the difference between the two candidates to be akin to “like picking a paper cut or having both legs chopped off”. Truly, a ringing endorsement. By September, in the middle of an interview, live on CNN, Ben Carson suddenly remembers he forgot to pick up his luggage and abruptly walks away mid-question. A few days later on the same network, he tried excusing Donald Trump’s frequently changing positions on immigration because “he’s still learning” how to develop and stick to policies. In the final month before the election, in a truly astounding interview with CNN’s Brianna Keilar, Carson gives a bizarre reason why the tape of Donald Trump boasting about sexual assault shouldn’t matter to women who are deeply troubled by it… the problem isn’t Trump, it’s THEM because they haven’t heard enough men talk in such graphic, demeaning terms and he finally lost his legendary sleepy, lethargic cool during an interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, yelling, “NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO…” and demanding the microphone of the woman interviewing him be turned off for asking him questions about Donald Trump bragging about committing sexual assault, and how that can jive with his fondness for Christian values.

    Ben Carson , though plainly insane, was inexplicably chosen as a member of Donald Trump’s “Cabinet of Horrors”, not as Surgeon General, which in theory he would be qualified for, but instead as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, where he sabotaged the department’s mission statement from within, gave bizarre speeches to department employees where he refers to African slaves as “immigrants”, and refused to answer any questions about anything when called before Congress.

    It was on this date in 2017, as well as 2018, that “Fanatical Republican Extremist of the Day” profiled Dennis Richardson, the former Secretary of State of Oregon. We’re not going to dance around the fact that Dennis Richardson is a widely documented homophobe, not just because he doesn’t think it’s discriminatory to stop gay people from getting married, but because back in 2007, Richardson sent out a fundraising letter to warn of “evils” happening like the Virginia Tech Massacre or same-sex couples getting domestic benefits… which shows he has a lousy barometer for evil. Mass murder should not be mentioned in the same breath as gay people having rights, you know? But it only gets worse from there. Richardson has insisted “pedophilia is widespread among the homosexual community”, and even argued against gay adoption because, “to allow homosexual couples to adopt would require complete disregard of the statistics on the high mortality rate from HIV/AIDS, and high rate of alcohol and drug abuse, as well as the general instability and violent nature of homosexual relationships.” At another point in 2007, Richardson compared homosexuality to “smoking or drinking” because they are a choice. And even though one of the most grotesque murders of a lesbian couple based solely on their sexuality took place in his district, in 2004, Richardson stated his belief that “hate crimes are a myth”. As of September 2017, Richardson has not backed off of his intolerant views of the LGBTQ community, declaring that gay people are “immoral”. As horrible as his views on gay people may be, Richardson has some deranged views on other issues, like say, guns. But days after the Newtown Massacre, Richardson thought more guns were the solution to Adam Lanza’s rampage, and that school teachers should be packing heat to start a crossfire with their students in the way, saying, "If I had been a teacher or the principal at the Sandy Hook Elementary School and if the school district did not preclude me from having access to a firearm, either by concealed carry or locked in my desk, most of the murdered children would still be alive, and the gunman would still be dead, and not by suicide." Dennis Richardson didn’t make it through his full term and died of a brain tumor in February of 2019.
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  2. #36152


    Quote Originally Posted by Tendrin View Post
    It would get him out of Washington, at least.

    But it would mean daily he'd try to assert why Texas shouldn't have to follow the simplest of federal laws and give bats*** reasons.
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  3. #36153
    I am invenitable Jack Dracula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KNIGHT OF THE LAKE View Post
    Issue with these self defense cases are that if one person does something that provoked a conflict, unless they did something life threatening, they are given the leeway to defend themselves if they feel there life is in danger
    The surviving person he shot admitted to having pointed a gun at Rittenhouse before he opened fire. That's what will probably get the kid off the hook.
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  4. #36154


    Quote Originally Posted by ChadH View Post
    The surviving person he shot admitted to having pointed a gun at Rittenhouse before he opened fire. That's what will probably get the kid off the hook.
    But how can they not assert self-defense because Rittenhouse was pointing an assault rifle at all of them and he didn't open fire?
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  5. #36155
    Invincible Member numberthirty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by worstblogever View Post
    But how can they not assert self-defense because Rittenhouse was pointing an assault rifle at all of them and he didn't open fire?

    If I am running towards you and I am armed?

    Any attempt to paint what I am doing as self-defense is on shaky ground.

  6. #36156
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    Never mind that Rittenhouse was running away from that crowd when he fell.

    You have to put a lot of work into creating a situation where that is someone that you needed to defend yourself from.

    Just let them keep running away from you. That ends the threat that did not actually exist pretty quickly.

  7. #36157


    On this date in both 2019, as well as 2020, “Fanatical Republican Extremist of the Day” published its first profile of the U.S. House Representative from Florida’s 12th Congressional District, Gus Bilrakis, who has held office since 2006, jumping in to be a legacy and take over where his father Michael Bilirakis to serve three terms in Florida’s 9th Congressional District before jumping to the 12th District from 2013 to the present. Prior to that, Bilrakis served in the Florida House of Representatives for four terms from 1999-2007.

    Now, part of how Gus Bilirakis caught our attention was the day he hosted a women’s summit, that featured an agenda with key topics such as “weight loss” and “gardening” that are relevant to their interests. Perhaps that has a lot to do with why Bilirakis has a long, long history of voting against women’s issues, not just his pathological series of anti-choice votes, but the fact that he’s voted against every equal pay bill that’s come across his path the entire time he’s been in Congress.

    Bilirakis is also a climate change denialist to the extend that he defended Donald Trump’s hair-brained decision to pull out of the Paris climate accords, and did so by citing a highly flawed study that claimed 2.7 million jobs would be lost if the United States honored the agreement.

    But what troubled us the most as we dug deeper into recent statements by Gus Bilirakis was his town hall in February of 2017. His constituents were highly alarmed that the GOP-controlled Congress and Trump administration might move to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and leave tens of millions stripped of their health insurance. So what was Bilirakis’ response? He decided to begin babbling about “death panels. Y’know, the same “death panels” that Republicans fear-mongered about in 2009 and 2010 to fear-monger about the Affordable Care Act that NEVER CAME TO BE when the law got passed. The same “death panels” that were named Politifact’s “Lie of the Year” eight years earlier. And for that, Bilirakis was booed out of his own town hall.

    Florida’s 12th Congressional District has a +8 Republican lean in the Cook Partisan Voting Index, and on election day, Bilirakis got 63% of the vote and retained his seat for another two years. Over the past few years in office, Bilrakis’ voting record looked a little like this:

    Bilirakis is currently adopting white nationalist talking points for his own, claiming there are “caravans” of illegal immigrants always headed to the U.S. border, just like Republicans seem to about every two years for political convenience while neglecting to point out that in the first two weeks alone, the caravan dwindled to 1/3 its size because of the action of Mexican authorities. A convenient little lie by omission, that. 
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  8. #36158


    I watched the trial for a few minutes today, and the prosecutor angering the judge because he was establishing Rittenhouse has a pattern of just thinking the law doesn't apply to him. To this day, he drives without a driver's license, and doesn't feel the need to go get one. He was out on bail, and went out drinking with a bunch of the Proud Boys while underage. Constantly getting in fights at school after threatening other students. His defense of being out of state and out in public with a gun after curfew was, "well, so were a bunch of other people".

    The only reason he seems to have not been punished for it is, well... white privilege.

    If he's found not guilty, I'm going to not be surprised when he goes full George Zimmerman and keeps ending up in the headlines for being shocked when he can't just do whatever he wants in terms of threatening people. This little dips*** is pathologically entitled, regardless of what the verdict comes down as in this case.
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  9. #36159
    I am invenitable Jack Dracula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by worstblogever View Post
    But how can they not assert self-defense because Rittenhouse was pointing an assault rifle at all of them and he didn't open fire?
    Idk. The story here doesn't make it clear whether Grosskreutz pulled his gun before or after the others were shot and his testimony is all over the place. I want it to be cut and dried against Rittenhouse but given that testimony and this weirdo judge the kid could walk.


    Under questioning from the prosecution, Grosskreutz said he had his hands raised as he closed in on Rittenhouse and didn’t intend to shoot the young man. Prosecutor Thomas Binger asked Grosskreutz why he didn’t shoot first.

    “That’s not the kind of person that I am. That’s not why I was out there,” he said. “It’s not who I am. And definitely not somebody I would want to become.”

    But during cross-examination, Rittenhouse defense attorney Corey Chirafisi asked: “It wasn’t until you pointed your gun at him, advanced on him … that he fired, right?”

    “Correct,” Grosskreutz replied. The defense also presented a photo showing Grosskreutz pointing the gun at Rittenhouse, who was on the ground with his rifle pointed up at Grosskreutz.

    Grosskreutz, under follow-up questioning from the prosecutor, said he did not intend to point his weapon at Rittenhouse.

    Wisconsin’s self-defense law allows someone to use deadly force only if “necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm.” The jury must decide whether Rittenhouse believed he was in such peril and whether that belief was reasonable under the circumstances.

    Grosskreutz said he had gone to the protest in Kenosha to serve as a medic, wearing a hat that said “paramedic” and carrying medical supplies, in addition to a loaded pistol. He said his permit to carry a concealed weapon had expired and he did not have a valid one that night.

    “I believe in the Second Amendment. I’m for people’s right to carry and bear arms,” he said, explaining why he was armed. “And that night was no different than any other day. It’s keys, phone, wallet, gun.”

    He said he went into action after seeing Rittenhouse kill a man just feet away — the second person Rittenhouse fatally shot that night.

    While Grosskreutz said he never verbally threatened Rittenhouse, Chirafisi, the defense attorney, said that people don’t have to use words to threaten others. They can do so by their actions, “like running after them down the street with a loaded firearm,” Chirafisi said.

    On cross-examination, Chirafisi sought to portray Grosskreutz as dishonest in his description of the moments right before he was shot, with Chirafisi asserting that Grosskreutz was chasing Rittenhouse with his gun out. Grosskreutz denied he was chasing Rittenhouse.

    Chirafisi also said Grosskreutz lied when he initially told multiple police officers that he dropped his weapon.

    In addition, Chirafisi pointed to Grosskreutz’s lawsuit against the city of Kenosha, in which he alleges police enabled the violence by allowing an armed militia to have the run of the streets during the demonstration.

    “If Mr. Rittenhouse is convicted, your chance of getting 10 million bucks is better, right?” Chirafisi said.
    Last edited by Jack Dracula; 11-10-2021 at 09:10 PM.
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  10. #36160
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    He says clear as day that he did not intend to point his gun at Rittenhouse...

    Which is the exact opposite of what you would do if you believed you had to defend yourself from someone.

  11. #36161
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    This is where we are now thanks to the GOP, Fox News, and people who enable them.

    Nazis going after LGBTQ literature. Again.

  12. #36162
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    In addition:
    Three more state school-board chapters, including those of Kentucky, Alabama, and Wisconsin, have ended their relationship with the National School Board Association over its letter to the Biden administration requesting federal intervention to penalize parents who protest at school-board meetings.

    In response to the letter, Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a memo stating that he would deploy the FBI in collaboration with federal law enforcement to investigate and potentially prosecute parents found guilty of threatening school administrators.
    Good lord, what terrible writing. It's not penalizing 'protests'. It's penalizing THREATS. This is how they are coddled and enabled.

  13. #36163


    On this date in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, as well as 2020, “Fanatical Republican Extremist of the Day” posted profiles of the U.S. House Representative from Texas’ 14th Congressional District, Randy Weber, which is also the former Congressional seat held by Ron Paul, whom Weber replaced. Weber has become a particularly surly member of the Texas Congressional delegation and House Freedom Caucus who reacted to the Supreme Court overturning the Defense of Marriage Act by claiming they were “colluding” with the White House, and then tried to write a series of bill phrased to try and circumvent or nullify that decision that all stalled. H also called President Obama the “Kommandant-in-Chief”, compared President Obama's visit to Paris to the one Hitler made in World War II, talked about impeaching him for reasons he couldn’t put into words, and claimed that he couldn’t be trusted to fight ISIS or an Ebola outbreak because people died in Benghazi. But epidemics are something which Rep. Weber seems to have a fascination with, as he’s falsely attributed the spread of tuberculosis and H1N1 to having been spread by illegal immigrants crossing our Southern border. He’s quite the charmer, you see.

    Right as Congress was getting back into session January of 2017, Donald Trump was still president-elect, and had one of those kinds of press conferences where he attacks journalists, responding to CNN’s Jim Acosta’s questions by declaring him “Fake News”. While most reasonable observers would have stepped up and criticized the president for trying to attack the fourth estate and act like the sort of fascist dictators that Randy Weber spent the Obama administration comparing Barack Obama to, and wetting himself in terror. Instead, Rep. Weber chose to get on Twitter to say that Acosta was “disruptive” and “should be fired”:
    It would only take about another three months for Randy Weber to shoot his mouth off again, this time it was in a speech at the sixth annual “Washington- A Man of Prayer” event where he literally broke into tears, sobbing as he begged the forgiveness of God because abortion and same sex marriage are legal.

    These are the sorts of crocodile tears you only see from televangelists while they’re decrying sin, not a member of Congress with the cameras rolling… but then again, his district is the one that kept electing Ron Paul for years and years. Even in spite of the fact that Rep. Weber was believed to have met with Russian oligarch Alexander Torshin, no less with Russian spy Maria Butina in attendance back in 2015, which you’d think would have tainted him as a candidate … but he has still been re-elected twice.

    Weber’s voting record remains as partisan as you’ll find in Congress:

    Texas' 14th District has a +12 Republican lean in the Cook Partisan Voting Index, making his seat an unlikely one to flip. Randy Weber is currently teaming up with fellow bats*** kooky Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert to publicly campaign for Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller to receive an honorable discharge from the military even though while he was active duty, he criticized the United States’ withdrawal from Afghanistan on social media on several occasions, was court-martialed, and plead guilty to nine counts of violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Which, factors in to the way Republicans are rallying around those who break the law, provided they’re one of their own, frankly.
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  14. #36164
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    Quote Originally Posted by numberthirty View Post

    If I am running towards you and I am armed?

    Any attempt to paint what I am doing as self-defense is on shaky ground.
    It's funny.

    When a white person follows someone with a gun, that person fights back and is killed, the white person gets to claim self defense. Because the person they were following might have been a criminal in their mind, at the time.

    Shoot two people, be an actual criminal, get followed by someone with a gun...and still it's self defense.


    And God damn hell, why isn't the prosecution challenging the self defense claim? The kid didn't live in the area and was looking for a God damn fight.

  15. #36165
    Ultimate Member Mister Mets's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xheight View Post
    Distorting what I have said - okay false positives happen but even more unqualified are caught that says nothing about making it harder to vote as the qualified but stricken can reapply if they really give a hoot about voting - if ballots can be cured then why not registrations? Have not checked but some states allow day of registration.

    5th column actions can always go wrong or just be exposed and undermine any movement. We have seen this with rogue GOPers trying to "prove" that faking ballots can be done only to find themselves snared.
    I think I can see the misunderstanding.

    You post a fact-check you disagree with, where they mention a high number of false positives in the cross-check method of voter verification.

    “Crosscheck, a collaboration of 28 states, matches people across states based on first name, last name, and date of birth. This approach has been determined to be unreliable because it yields a very high number of incorrect matches,” he wrote. “One study found that Crosscheck’s methodology identified almost 3 million ‘matching individuals who voted twice nationwide.’ All but 600 of these records were deemed to be false positives, in which the method says two people are the same but in fact they are not. For those 600 other cases, it could not be determined whether they were or were not the same individual.
    From my understanding, Matt Braynard, the guy suing Georgia doesn't say he's using Crosscheck. He said he found 20,312 ballots cast by people who didn't satisfy residency requirements, but he doesn't say how he verified this.

    ChadH notes that Crosscheck is unreliable.

    You complain about the effort to discredit crosscheck.

    ChadH notes the evidence is well-documented, including in your link.

    It's worth noting Crosscheck is an example of how professional efforts to clear voting rolls result in false positives.

    You suggest the game is rigged.

    ChadH talks about the false positives.

    You say that the controversy is that thousands of people in a state are not qualified.

    I note that we haven't shown the evidence that thousands of people in a state are not qualified, since the controversy is over the likelihood of false positives.

    You and ChadH both seem to think Crosscheck was used by the guy making the suit, when Crosscheck is an example of how these efforts have false positives.

    From what I can figure, Braynard refused to share relevant information with the courts, so we have no idea how accurate his information is. We should draw a negative inference from his refusal to share the information.

    At no point, did you establish that Crosscheck or Braynard's method of investigating voter rolls find more illegitimate voters than false positives. If you have a link on that, I'd be interested in it.
    Thomas Mets

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