Quote Originally Posted by Midvillian1322 View Post
I don't see why Snyders political leanings matter. He's not out there preaching anything. Defiently things he's said that made me lose some respect for him but none of it is political. Looking forward to Army of the dead. Ima watch the Snydercut. Just don't know how fast ima get to it. Waiting for the shit show if Critics tear it apart like BvS. Hope not but it seems highly likely.
This isn't "He votes <whomever> don't support him," this is "He is of a philosophical bent that opposes selflessness, the core value of the characters he's adapting and it comes through in his work." When asked "Who would do a better job," it is perfectly valid to answer with "pretty much anybody who doesn't oppose the core value of the characters he's adapting."