60's X-men could be like the beach boys, Monkees or Sly Family Stone (if they included Storm and Bishop). Xavier could be a genius manager and producer. Logan a country folk singer who channels anger into his music, Sunfire and Colossus popular singers in their home country, Banshee a foin oirish tenor whose albums ye buy for ye 'ma on mother's day, Nightcrawler like Heintje/Heino, Dazzler a disco star , Longshot a kahjagoogoo Limahl type, New Menudo mutants, Jubilee a cantonese/American crossover "Tiffany"teen star, Bishop like Freedom Williams, "X-Sync", J-pop Armour, Kitty pryde's Barbara Streisand musical, Disney channel/tween pop star Molly Hayes...
and YOUR merry musical mutants?