Gotta admit it, now that we're getting the Snyder Cut of Justice League, I want to see the Ayer cut of Suicide Squad.

I've said many times before that I think DC's solo comics movies have been pretty fantastic: Man of Steel, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Shazam, Joker.

However, for some reason, their teamup movies all seem to run into one sort of trouble or another: Batman v Superman, Suicide Squad, Justice League, Birds of Prey.

I liked Batman v Superman, even the theatrical cut, as a solid B+, but this was a step down from the A- I gave Man of Steel because I did see some of the problems people talked about. The dark tone, however, wasn't something that bothered me.

Anyway, with Suicide Squad, I felt it was even more disjointed because, from what I understand, they let a trailer producing company recut the film for release.

Quite frankly, if that's true, that's one of the wackiest things I've ever heard coming out of Hollywood.

David Ayer shot his entire film, so it really wouldn't require any real money to just have him get into the edit bay with someone and come up with a cut that he's happy with.

I think all DC's teamup films had more studio interference than usual in them, and that's why the first 3 all benefited/could benefit from a director's cut.

On its own, I don't think a Suicide Squad director's cut is a big enough promotable event for HBOMax, but if ZSJL does well, a DASS cut could piggyback on it.

If both were to be well-received, or at least better received than their theatrical counterparts, maybe it would teach the studio execs at Warners that there's too many cooks in the kitchen as far as these movies are concerned and their mandated changes have not led to better movies.

Anyone else wanna see a David Ayer cut of Suicide Squad?