First, an important qualification and disclaimer: this topic is not to dispute anyone who honestly holds the opinion that the character of Barry Allen/the Flash is boring. All of us have the prerogative of thinking and feeling that any fictional character is boring or uninteresting, and I understand and respect that.

What this topic explores is the myth that the Barry Allen character is axiomatically, *factually* boring by nature. Many people seem to believe this without actually getting to know the character. They read or hear about it somewhere else, and go into the character with that presumption already baked in. But how and where did this idea originate?

People's mileage may vary on how interesting they find characters, but an objectively boring character is unlikely to have headlined a successful franchise for decades. There might have been some rough patches and a need to give the character an extended rest, but I disagree with the idea that Barry is fundamentally boring. Nevertheless, it's a myth that keeps perpetuating itself in spite of ample contrary evidence.

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