CBR just basically lost one of it's main rivals. Newsarama has been absorbed into GamesRadar+. As far as I'm concerned, it's dead.

Had to disable Adblock to even read anything. Only to see far too many ads. Including an autoplay video! I HATE those. And I don't see how merging a comic book website with a video game one makes sense anyway. What the hell were the corporate suits at Future thinking? No way this helps their SEO (things are now HARDER to find, not easier!). Any old links to anything other than the homepage are broken too, as they redirect to the Newsarama main page instead of each article redirecting. You can't search specifically for Newsarama content either.

I know not everyone liked CBR's redesign and other changes a few years ago, but at least it kept it's separate identity. Newsarama has been destroyed.