Full-page panel. Interior shot of a bank. There are (at least) three masked bank robbers wielding pistols (they probably can't afford submachine guns, which would explain why they're doing this). Their masks cover everything but their eyes. One, the tallest and most athletic-looking, is the leader. The other two are kind of chunky, but no less dangerous-looking. Robber #2 is wearing a green jacket and pointing his gun at a bank teller; Robber #3 has a purple jacket and is pointing off-panel.

LEADER: Everyone freeze! This is a holdup!

ROBBER #2: Hand over all you got! Now!

ROBBER #3: Everybody over in the corner! Get out your valuables!


(Panels 1 through 3 are panels-within-a-panel, technically insets in the main "splash" page.)

Panel 1: Robber #3 is pointing at Our Hero, John "Johnny" Tonnek. Johnny is an athletic-looking young man of Native American (and possibly other) descent, which explains the family name. Like most people in the bank, Johnny's wearing a jacket; presumably, it's the weather outside. Johnny isn't intimidated at all; he just looks annoyed all the crap that's going down.

ROBBER #3: You! Over there with the other hostages! Now!

JOHNNY: (sigh) All right.

Panel 2: Johnny (still looking apathetically exasperated) is sitting obediently, taking a cigarette and a lighter out of his jacket. He's glaring at the leader of the holdup men.

JOHNNY: Mind if I smoke?

LEADER: No skin off my nose. Right now, cancer's the last thing you're in danger of dying from.

Panel 3: Close-up on Johnny. He's got the cigarette in his mouth and he's flicked on the lighter. But he isn't lighting the cigarette; he's just looking at the flame. There's a look of determination on his face.

JOHNNY: Thanks.

JOHNNY: You know...I wish you'd point those guns somewhere else.

Panel 4: The big reveal. Johnny and the leader are staring up at Jenni, Our Other Hero. Jenni roars out of the lighter like a flamethrower blast. She's a hottie, both literally and figuratively: a fireball in the shape of an extremely beautiful woman, with a movie star face (currently scowling with anger), full firm breasts, martial artist arms, and the legs and hourglass waist of a belly dancer. (Well, she is a genie; I felt I owed it to conform to the stereotype somehow!) Her costume, however, looks more like something out of the Tronmovies: a skintight bodysuit over her voluptuous figure, with glowing fiery highlights.

TITLE: JINN AND TONNEK (or, "The Adventures of Jenni and Johnny")

CREDIT LINE: writer - Timothy Shanahan penciller/inker/letter/colorist/etc. - (your names here)

LEADER: I'll point this thing wherever I what the --

JENNI: He's talking to me, creep --


Panel 1: Medium shot/close-up on Jenni. Her eyes literally blaze with wrath as she gestures, and a ray like a lightning bolt on fire shoots from her hand...

JENNI: -- and what he says, GOES!

Panel 2: ...striking the bank robbers' guns, causing their barrels to twist upward as the gunmen stare in horror and disbelief.

LEADER: Our guns --

ROBBER #2: What the hell --

ROBBER #3: What's going on?!

Panel 3: Johnny gets to his feet, putting the cigarette lighter back in his jacket. For the first time, he's smiling, and so is Jenni.

JOHNNY: Thanks, babe.

JENNI: Anytime, stud.

Panel 4: Johnny, scowling again, has grabbed Robbers #2 and #3, and slammed their heads together.


Panel 5: Johnny high-kicks the Leader in the head, stunning him.


Panel 6: Johnny raises his hands before the amazed onlookers. The cigarette lighter is in his left hand now. Jenni flows back into the lighter.

JOHNNY: Show's over, folks. Everything's cool now.

CAPTION (Johnny's voice): My name is Jonathan "Johnny" Tonnek. I'm twenty-two years old.

CAPTION: And my life's already a mess.


Panel 1: Beginning of flashback sequence. Johnny is dressed in soldier's fatigues and armor and wielding an assault rifle as he leans against a desert dune. In the background behind him is what looks like the excavation of an Egyptian tomb.

CAPTION: A couple of years ago, I'd joined the army. I was working my way through college.

Panel 2: Jenni appears as she was then. She's an attractive redhead, despite not being as well-developed as her "geniefied" state. She's dressed in sensible archaeologist's gear. Standing near her is an old college professor-type, Prof. Stanford. They're standing over a table with an old oil lamp with strange writing on it.

CAPTION: By coincidence, my girlfriend, Jennifer "Jenni" Maxwell, was there too, for pretty much the same reason. My unit was assigned to guard her archaeological dig.

JENNI: What do you make of it, Professor Stanford?

PROF. STANFORD: It's some weird Aramaic transcription. If I remember right, it roughly translates as...

Panel 3: Extreme-ish close-up. We see the Professor's eye in the background, the lamp and the Professor's fingers holding it in the foreground.

PROF. STANFORD: "In here lies the Spirit-of-Fire, He-Who-Makes-And-Unmakes. He is bound within to serve Man, and to make no mischief upon him. Beware in awakening..."

PROF. STANFORD: It's hard to make out the rest...

Panel 4: Medium shot. Jenni is talking to the Professor. The Professor looks kind of distracted by his discovery.

JENNI: Sounds like the old myths about jinns...

PROF. STANFORD: Yes, hmmm...let's have a look inside.

Panel 5: Jenni lifts the lid.

CAPTION: Now, you've read this story a million times, right? This is the part where they accidentally rub the lamp and the genie comes out.

CAPTION: Only it's more like they opened the lamp.


Panel 1: Big panel of the Jinn Al-Ghol emerging from the lamp in a rush of flame, surprising everyone, including the soldiers standing guard. He has a satanic-looking face and is male. He's also naked, although no genitals are visible.

CAPTION: Not that it makes a diff.

EVERYONE: (ad-lib) What the/No way in hell/Holy/Incoming/What is that thing/Get down etc.


AL-GHOL: Which one of you pathetic worms dares release Al-Ghol from his confinement?*

CAPTION: *Translated from Arabic

Panel 2: Worm's-eye view of Al-Ghol glaring down at Jenni and the reader.

JENNI: Uhm...I did.

AL-GHOL: So it is you to whom I am enslaved, eh?

Panel 3: Close-up on Jenni. She's doing an admirable job of summoning her courage in such a "WTF?" situation.

JENNI: Yeah...yeah, that's right! I'm calling the shots here!

JENNI: And...and I want you back in the lamp!

Panel 4: Medium shot. Johnny and the Professor watch as Jenni holds the lamp. A rush of flame re-enters the lamp.

AL-GHOL: As you command.


Panel 1: Establishing shot. A tent in the desert.

Panel 2: Jenni, the Professor, and Johnny are standing near a table with the lamp on it.

JENNI: But think of what it could mean for science!

PROF. STANFORD: I'm not so sure it would be wise...

JOHNNY: Yeah, aren't genies usually screwing over their so-called "masters"?

Panel 3: Close-up on Jenni, looking determined. She's holding the lamp, lifting its lid. Fire starts to trickle out.

JENNI: Someone's gotta take the risk.

Panel 4: Al-Ghol hovers before Jenni as Prof. Stanford and Johnny watch warily.

AL-GHOL: Why am I summoned, master?

JENNI: I want to know all about jinns, or whatever you are.

Panel 5: A close-up on Al-Ghol, smiling wickedly. A fiery ray emanates from his hand.

AL-GHOL: Indeed? Well...

Panel 6: Jagged panel. Jenny is hit by the ray and is atomized.

AL-GHOL: (continuing from the last panel) ...experience is the best teacher!

Panel 7: Jagged panel. Close-up on Johnny's horrified expression.