In case you guys don’t remember TASM had a tie in video game made by Beenox that acted as a sequel to TASM. Basically shortly after the events of the movie Gwen and Peter discover more Oscorp cross species monsters like the Rhino, Vermin and Scorpion. The monster then escape and infect the scientists, including Gwen and Peter has to hunt down the monsters while tryin to make a cure with Dr Connors. The game itself was pretty average but fun but the story itself was really unique and I liked how Spider-Man’s classic villains were now more than guys in fancy suits. Think definitely looked a lot better than Paul Giamatti driving a Bayformer looking Rhino tank. Honestly if Sony used the game as the basis for TASM2 I think it would’ve been a lot better. It keeps the sci-fi and semi horror elements from TASM while expanding on the cross species experiments. Obviously the story would still need to be tweeked to fit a movie but the groundwork definitely is there.