Hello. Please forgive me if this is the wrong forum to post this in.

I am searching for a comic that I had as a child that I can't seem to find. I have only a vague recollection. These are the things I remember.

The art was very colorful and pretty.

It was laid out like a collection of science fiction short stories with humorous punchlines.

The art and creatures were a little bit like muppets or something, not human.

The main character was either a professor or doctor and the title of the book had his name in it.

One of the stories involved the title character discovering what he believes to be the largest single celled organism ever. After he leaves a double celled organism much much larger than the single celled shows up and is informed by the single celled organism that he was only interested in single celled organisms.

Another of the stories involves the title character being visited by a time traveler from the future who informs him that research he is doing eventually leads to the scientific breakthroughs that make time travel possible. When the title character realizes that he will not discover and experience time travel in his lifetime he makes the decision to stop that particular line of research and just as he does the visitor winks out of existence.

Those are the only details that I remember. It is driving me crazy that I can't find this. If any of this rings a bell please let me know!!