Quote Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Its about faithful to the source, Uncle Ben and Spiderman are interchangeable, You can't tell a batman film without not having to an extent the presence of what his parents death meant. you cant tell an xmen story without what separates or binds mutants and humans together and you definitely cant tell a superman story without him leaving kypton to come to earth. Spiderman is missing that foundation where all his stories were born.

But the majority will tell you how much MCU Spiderman is the least most faithful, which is what the OP asked.
Except uncle Ben isn't removed they just know the audience already knows about him. You can make a batman movie without flashback to his parents death all they need to be is dead. People know the rest. They seen it 5 times. Peter still became spidrrman after his uncle passed, they just didn't feel the need to do the same story.. again. The next reboot of Superman doesn't need to Show Krypton being blown up, everyone already knows. Not showing it isnt the same as removing it. Its just choosing to focus on more original things that haven't been covered by 7 other movies.

As far as the topic your saying something less faithful doesn't Work like with Spidey. Which again the majority of the movie going audience disagrees. Now if all you said was Spiderman is less fsithfull then fine, they changed alot. Incorporated Stark alot. That's fine,as far as not working though.... that's a you thing.

You knock the MCU for things that are less fsithfull in one thread and then defend snyder and Praise the Joker in the others. Faithfulness only matters in its execution. Joker is way less faithful then Dr Strange but I still think its a better movie then strange.