I would like to ask who do you like better in a different version (TV Show,Anime,Pre-Flashpoint,NEW52,Rebirth etc. etc. etc.)

Mine are:

I prefer her Pre-Flashpoint.
She looked better, was very pretty.
I loved the friendship with Cassie,her training with the Amazons etc. etc.

Cassie Sandsmark:
I prefer her Pre-Flashpoint origin and attitude.
I liked her there better because of her being DAUGHTER of zeus and her having the lasso of lightning.

Conner Kent:
I LOVE the Johns Conner Kent version.
He had great feats,I liked his look and his attitude.

Cat Grant
I prefer the Pre-Flashpoint version of her.

His Rebirth Version was a BIG DISAPPOINTMENT for me.
I prefer the Arsenal with the daughter who also had a very cool attitude.

Young Justice/Teen Titans:
Young Justice in Pre-Flashpoint had great storylines, many great supporting characters like Traya and a great Team with Empress,Secret etc.