Citizen Side

Quote Originally Posted by Cleric of Hell’s Brigade View Post
Owen watches as the ships start making their way in, sighing at the loss of so many people. He watches, leaning against his umbrella, gazing out as the ships dock and start disgorging their precious cargo.
From where Owen stood, he could make several rows of people being led from the docked airship. One led above to the dock, and another led downwards the the Administatum Containment Building. Owen knew it was one of the closest things the slums had to a prison. Anyone who wasn't killed on the spot for crime was captured and brought here for detainment until a suitable punishment was decided.

His mother, now retired, had put several in there herself.......and in some cases, so had he.

Yet....His sharp mind was detecting something one of those puzzles with the one letter off from the rest.

There was a steady flow of people leaving the building.....and one group that seemed to be moving in the opposite direction, towards the terminal.

There was also the hint of movement below, the bridge that connected the terminal to the exit.


At the same time, curious onlookers from several areas of the city were converging on the area....many attempting to slip by the crowds and make their way across the bridge to get a closer look.

Among them, a woman with red hair concealed among the gawking crowds, raised her hand to fix her glasses....and quietly whispered to her wrist.

"Confirmation....the Package is in transit. Their holding him in Adminstratum Containment. Yes.....Status on the diversion EN......Good, I'm moving into position....detonate on my mark..." The girl lowered her arm and slid into the crowd.