Quote Originally Posted by masterwitcher88 View Post
I'm not saying that she should be exactly like him, I'm saying its not a bad comparison. If Diana being compared to the most powerful Avenger that is also seeing an unprecedented fan base resurgence due to the marvel movies is a waste of potential, then I don't know what to tell you. I feel like Diana having Greek epic/tragedy style stories ON TOP OF her basic superhero stuff would be a unique character and universe difference from Batman's detective/Noir style and Superman's Syfy/space adventure style. This is not to say she can't have those styles of stories but, those are more unique to Superman and Batman.

I like her original rouges gallery, I think the ones that have been updated by Orlando are freaking great and that more should be too. But, this aversion from Greek myth, in large part due to its poor and over use starting at Brian Azzerello's Nu52 relaunch, is not a positive sign to me. Just as the downgrade of the Gods has effected their perception of power and authority in the greater universe, so has the downgrade in Diana's power. Just as other users have said the Greek Gods are the top tier beings in the Wonderverse, Ares is basically Diana's personal Thanos and should constantly be on Darkseid's radar. Half the pantheon gave Diana her powers, If the GODS can be steam rolled over by just about anyone why should writers give Diana any real challenges?
Thor does classical hero stories because that fits him. They don't fit Diana. Her character is supposed to be about progress, not copying the past. If she does a classical style story, it should be in order to subvert that kind of story.

Wonder Woman's powers shouldn't come from the gods, nor should the Greek Gods be in any kind of position of dominance. The days when they were the top dogs are over, and the stories featuring them should focus on how they've adapted to the new Paradigm. Aphrodite recognizes that the time of the gods being in charge is over, so she becomes a source of wisdom and guidance for the Amazons instead. Ares, by contrast, can't adapt, and instead tries to cling to days gone by, which brings him into conflict with Diana.

Ares goes up against Darkseid? There should never be a moment of doubt in the audience that Darkseid is going to come out on top of that situation.