Quote Originally Posted by justanotherclassic View Post
That's the thing about a lot of systemic issues, a lot of times they're deeply imbedded and unintentional, but still have the added effect of excluding some pretty obvious people. It can be very off-putting, however, to be a part of those groups and have people discuss how they didn't think to include people like you. It's stuff like that that perpetuates the lack of women and POC in stories, and creates a vicious cycle. I'm not interested in stories as much if women aren't promoted as being included, because I've had enough 'sausage fest' stories. I'm not saying it won't be a good story, because it can be, but at the same time, I don't think quality would be lost by including Storm, Jean, or Rogue on the cover.

Also, just to clarify as not to offend, I'm talking about the industry and not your comment specifically!
^This. By no means do I think that women, POC, and queer characters need to automatically be at the forefront of every comic or event, but if you’re going to advertise your book as affecting EVERYBODY and then only have white straight dudes on the cover I’m going to look at you sideways.