Quote Originally Posted by ChrisIII View Post
I think there's also been a bit of confusion regarding Rogue One and the Death Star timeline as well.

Some of the Disney stuff dealing with the DS prior to Rogue One does contradict it a bit such as some parts of Tarkin and the novel Lost Stars; although it's more by omission than outright.

However it's nothing like the massive convulted Death Star history of the previous EU, which was already a bit confusing and then AOTC and ROTS threw one heck of a curveball into it. Not to mention that pretty much almost every video game, comic, and novel set around the time of Yavin had a different version of the Death Star plans being stolen. Han Solo's ex stole it, no it was Kyle Katern, no some random Rebel spy station picked it up etc etc....
You want some flexibility in your canon, but not so much you get that kind of situation.

Admittedly, it was interesting to see how Lucas himself handled stuff from Legends on TCW. Some stuff he liked, grabbed, and just put up whole cloth, other stuff he completely disregarded or contradicted. I’m still somewhat disappointed that Ryloth didn’t remain a tidal-locked planet half burning int he sun and half frozen in the night... but I also found his version of the Mandalorian much better than the Karen Travis’s constructed ones from her books... who I found disappointing compared to the less aggravating and more cool sourcebook-sequel article that Abel G. Peña wrote about that she heavily modified or retconned,