Quote Originally Posted by batnbreakfast View Post
Artists are now forced to do research on future employers is the message I take from this. What about DC's continuing employment of bad apples. Might not be as bad as comicsgate but still leaves a taste I dislike. Tom King harming anothers reputation unintentionally is the second message I take from this. He might have thought his actions are sound but sometimes less jumping into action and working on your own shortcomings could be better. Lead by example instead mouthing off
DC keeping a certain editor is just as bad because you have no idea who didn't want to come to DC because of him.

Same with the gators-we don't who they are souring on entering this industry. Not just POC, LGBTQIA and women but other white males too.
The gators are worst because they are NOT going after those bad apples.

And I think most artist do research however there is always the idea of "it can't happen to me". Even with folks openly talking like Sin Grace or Gail Simone or even McDuffie. Having that DC or Marvel on your resume seems to be worth it to some.

I know what yr saying and i do agree with you to an extent but where does on stop in a moral / ethical putch of culture. You will end up with nothing left.
It's not going to stop because SOMEONE benefits from it. Sometimes behind the scenes. Sometimes unexpectedly.

Question for everyone here-if you didn't like something would you spend 40+ hours online trashing it? Would you go after the creative team daily?
Or would you ignore it and find something you liked?

Look at all the toxic stuff they are doing. Don't think for one second some politician or lawyer is not looking at that. Because there have been some. If someone wanted to pass some stiffer or harder harassment online laws-they could mine those guys to find gold.

While they were trashing Marvel's America (which was BAD), how many good books got ignored? That they could have promoted?
A writer did bring that up in his book's letter page. There's Nothing There by Patrick Kindlon. He said stop throwing fits over books you don't have to read and talk about the ones you do like.