Quote Originally Posted by jwatson View Post
i would argue violating peoples basic human rights is far worse which humans do constantly. They test on each other, they test on animals, they test on mutants. They put humans in concentration camps, they put mutants in concentration camps. They kill humans, animals and mutants just because they can or they feign feeeeear and that's suppose to make it all okay. Not to mention if humans care so much about a cure why weren't they trying to cure the inhumans or did anything about them setting up in new york. Where is the cure for captain america and all the other human heroes running around including he fantastic four if it's about the fear of powers and people getting hurt. It's because it's about the fear of being replaced and thats it. It is canon the most dangerous thing in the marvel universe are humans. We learned this from every entity in the marvel universe including aliens. This too is canon fact.
The problem here is this stance isn't about basic human rights being violated being wrong, its hat its only wrong when its's done to mutants. Nobody should do that. Nobody is saying its all ok, the irony from this repose is that mutants doing it is acceptable. Even to each other! Once again reducing this to races rather than terrible people in both groups being awful. The Marvel universe has far more dangerous entities and races than humans. Absolutely no response to an attack which would have harmed millions of mutants in a single move. Curing the mutant gene would be wrong, but there are exceptions which it could be helpful like with Rogue. For years she couldn't touch people with risking putting them in a coma or killing them. The erasure of all the and things mutants have done to other peoples and other mutants shows that is more about what "group" you support rather than the things they do are bad in themselves. Genocide, murder, and propaganda is bad - whoever does it doesn't make it ok. Add in the fact you're defending people who have mutant blood on their hands because the X-men had the audacity to protect the world from them. Inhumans aren't as popular as mutants with editorial that's why they're not that big a priority for anyone, including Krakoa. Ben Grimm and Sharon ventura have struggled with trying to find cures for their conditions, and sometimes they find it. Super-heroes have also been hunted by the government within the last few years, and especially the eerily markings of Days of Future Past the X-men decided to sit it out and eventually sided with Norman Osborn and HYDRA. Cape killers were created, super-heroes were separated from their families, the Avengers went underground to survive, super-villains were brainwashed and drafted into hunting super-heroes. This want on for years. The aliens fear Earth, not just humans, its not like mutants on Earth aren't feared whenever the X-men get involved in galactic affairs.

Don't ignore the boundaries of editorial, otherwise mutants come off just as callous - like with "Ultron Unlimited." Ultron destroyed an entire country, and made its populace into undead cyborgs and the X-men not only did;t show up to help they never acknowledged it. There're endless reams of non-X titles this applies to. Despite the fact the X-men are supposed to be friends with these heroes.