Quote Originally Posted by misty101 View Post
It's OK, just breathe. It's fiction.
There would be no fun if Apoc and Sinister weren't going to betray the mutants. We know it's coming and we're all very excited for the ride and the story coming.
Sweetie, this era just isn't for you, it's clearly causing you stress, just walk away and come back when someone boring comes in or read your back issues of Extraordinary X-Men or something.
Stop patronising me. Please, this isn't about "fun" this about many people actively supporting them because they agree with their beliefs not because they like the X-men. They're not exited about that ending. You haven't engaged with any of my opinions as if they're valid, despite the fact what I've said about those characters is true is telling. And stop the gatekeeping, this forum's insistence of trying to kick out anyone who wants to question Krakoa is galling. I'd get into why people liked watching/reading villainous protagonist in media but everyone knows my opinions on krakoa as a good setting so that'd be pointless. It's not the comics that upset me, they're just comics but I can't say that about the fandom. Boring? The only difference here is that I'm not cheering on the bad guys. I wouldn't recommend watching shows like Breaking Bad. The idea that someone can watch a show with a villainous protagonist and disagree with them but like the show appears to be outside of their grasp.