Quote Originally Posted by Zero Hunter View Post
The one thing that always makes me mad looking at DCs treatment of the Legion is just how much of what almost everyone considers the best Legion stuff is not collected. Barely any of the Baxter series is collected in trades. For being considered the best Legion writer there are a good 60 or 70 issues written by Levitz uncollected. It makes it look even worse when somerhing like the Waid threeboot was all collected when it is no where near as good.
I heard once that when Levitz was President of DC (or whatever the title was), he deliberately held back on reprinting his work on the Legion so as not to be seen as profiting from it more than was seemly, or something to that effect. Not sure if there's any truth to it. I've also heard that Giffen blamed Levitz for the Five Years Later version hardly ever being reprinted because Levitz allegedly disliked what he and the Bierbaums did with it. Again, not sure if any of that is true.