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  1. #31
    X-Men fan since '92 Odd Rödney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikedesil View Post
    Did Deadpool ever think he was a mutant?
    I seem to remember something like that. But it's possible my tired brain has that wrong.
    Last edited by Odd Rödney; 02-19-2021 at 08:13 AM. Reason: Bye, bye blue!
    "Kids don't care **** about superhero comic books. And if they do, they probably start with manga, with One Punch-Man or My Hero Academia. " -ImOctavius.

  2. #32
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    Magik refused to reveal anything that happened to her in the 7 years she was trapped in Limbo, that she was a sorceress, or even that she was a mutant for a full year after she came first escaped Limbo.

  3. #33
    Extraordinary Member From The Shadows's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RachelGrey View Post
    When Rachel realized that Jean was dead and Scott was married to Madelyne Pryor she decided not to tell him she was his daughter! The other X-Men knew that she was the alt future daughter of Jean and Scott, but I remember in Days of Future Present, Beast thought maybe Rachel used her telepathy to prevent anyone from telling Scott and Jean! Her parentage was openly revealed during the Days of Future Present event when she finally told Scott and Jean who she was!

    Rachel also tries not to tell family and X-Men what their fates were in the 811 universe because she personally killed several of them and it kills her with guilt every time she thinks about it! She told Alex that he died a hero and that he was a loving Uncle, but in flashbacks Ahab ordered her to torture her Uncle Alex to death!

    There was a retcon in X-Men Blue that Rachel killed Nightcrawler as well, but I think Gugg had no idea about continuity because Claremont showed in Days of Future Past that Nightcrawler and Amanda Sefton died before Rachel was taken by the regime, they were killed during the anti-mutant protests that lead up to the registration act being passed! So I just assume that Mesmero was just messing with Rachel and trying to cause her emotional pain by making her like Kurt, and then making her feel guilty about killing Kurt!

    Rachel doesn't hide information about herself maliciously, she does it mostly because at first she didn't want to cause problems for Scott, and later for Jean so she was trying to stay out of their lives! For the rest, she is just traumatized and doesn't want to tell anyone how they died in her world! Of course Kate, Storm, Forge, Wolverine, Colossus, Franklin, and Magneto all died during the escape from the concentration camp, the attack on the false Sentinel command building, and Kate's attack on project Nimrod! 616 Kate and Storm know all about the final mission so none of that is a secret, I think they are also the only ones who know exactly what it was like for Rachel when she was a hound and all the torture and programming she endured after she was captured!
    In an Excalibur Lobdel issue Rachel's mind was being manipulated by the baddie at the time. She supposedly hunted down Kurt to Germany which I knew must have been wrong because of his and Amanda's death like you said. So it is my head canon was/may still be that "father" Kurt somehow survived and started the pitiful mutant collective, the safe haven that Germany became. There was also a mutant named Blue in the annual with the FF and the X-Men that looked a lot like a female Kurt, may have been Kurt and Amanda's first daughter and not the child Amanda was pregnant with.

  4. #34
    Extraordinary Member From The Shadows's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koriand'r View Post
    That doesn't really count because it's negated by the fact she was also the first public figure that outed themselves in a spectacular fashion as a publicity stunt.

    Every time someone like Beast or Nightcrawler used an image inducer they were basically trying to pass themselves off as human. They were pretending to be what they weren't so that fits the spirit of the thread.
    Beast rarely disguised himself when he was in the Avengers. Kurt used it a lot in the beginning as a toy before Logan challenged him to walk down the street in his blue flesh as himself then he was stopped by a bunch of rednecks and if Logan hadn't stopped them noy sure what may have happened.. He at least told Amanda though because it wasn't long after that first issue where she's following him that he was going out with her in his true form.

    Besides its easy for a normal mutant especially to think its easy to go around in their true form without expecting a beating or a stake through the heart oe being run out of town.

    If they are doing it to be a hypocrite and to harm others like them then no thats not good and isn't right at all. But have their been any characters that did this? I know Cecilia said something against mutants once out of fear of being exposed but it wasn't done out of maliciousness.

  5. #35
    Better than YOU! Alan2099's Avatar
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    I remember an issue of Excalibur during the Crosstime Caper when the cast basically went to Judge Dredd world where super powers were outlawed. In that reality Psylocke and Captain Britain were in charge of the Justicers but where pretending to be non-powered people.

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