Its no shock that AT&T/Time Warner's merger now was a gigantic mistake. Its crippled the merged company with so much debt , they are literally trying to save themselves from drowning in it. The company debt at one report was over $160+ billion dollars and had the company debating insane moves. One move was selling its lucrative video game division (WB Games) for a couple billion dollars and losing the studios and game franchises that could actually make money the next 2 years.

Someone with a little common sense there seemed to put a stop to that move...for now. But this is a desperate company and desperate company's scramble to do things. Another belief is once the NFL Sunday Ticket contract expires in a year or 2 the company will try to sell Direct TV or fold it. Because it too doesn't make the money they want and they can be rid of it.

To try and cut costs we saw tons of layoffs. A lot of layoffs from divisions that really made no sense in comics field as many of the people there were doing great work. But this is a desperate company and they are needing ways to save cash and pay down debt. A fact the CEO defended how good they are at handling this today...

Months ago Apple's CEO bragged the company had good cash reserves and seemed to hint the company could move on something if it came up. People believed as pandemic hit Disney would be a good target. That the stock was down then (its back up) and they were a great target for Apple to swoop in. But the ideal target for Apple to go after and really fuck up AT&T executives now is...Warner Media.

To say WM stock is below Disney right now isn't a shock. Its below $100 and has been even with this big merger. The debt load , the layoffs and more hasn't helped the company at all. Meanwhile Apple has the goodwill and is having a decent year with big cash reserves. In fact they borrowed money for more of a good business deal and the only debt they have ...$8+ billion.

With getting Warner Media ; Apple will now have the resources to be a bigger media company combined with its technology. They will own tons of IP's and be a bigger player in that landscape. Plus lets be honest , AT&T executives are doing a shit job running the company and seem destined to run everything into the ground from the comics division to the other parts.

So come on Apple ...make the move. Warner Media is ripe for you to swoop in and just go for it.